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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

I was talking to Jax this morning, and I was told about a site with that personality test that was different than the one I had linked to. Here's the description for INFJ. I'll probably have to retake the test at this site to see what truly does fit me, but Jax thought the description fit me well (except the "mind-reading" bit). I dunno..

Speaking of Jax, there's a new .plan up:

"Son, when you are in the foxhole with your troops and the enemy is coming over the hill, it doesn't matter who's the colonel and who are the privates - it's all about who can shoot straight."

Anyone know where that came from?

I actually got around to picking up the coin order as well as the microphone and the AV key. Apparently, either CK or I had to get the key since they would only give them out to grad students, but they never actually checked me while I was there! I told them it was for CTRL-A and they immediately recognized the name. I guess it's nice to be renowned. I was rather surprised how much time I wasted today. Eh, it's alright I guess, I can make it up later. I was told a little secret though, but I don't think I'll share it with anyone else, I doubt we'll need to use that little secret, but on the off chance we're in dire need..

I did find out about the AV room for the AL lecture halls though. It's a neat place to shack up, and it has a nice view of the room as well. I went up there to look around and nobody noticed me while I poked my head out and laughed at them.. heheheheh.

Anyway, just got back from RHS's talk so I should head of to the CTRL-A show. I'll be back..


[4:00 PM EST - Time to revolutionize the world..]

Well, the show went fairly well. Some of the big people didn't show up, but Jax did show up though. I had a discussion with the kid about the invited speaker. I could've sworn that she used to be a guy. It's the physique and facial structure. Hormones can make some changes, but there's only so much that they can do.. I dunno, I don't have any pictures so you guys can't agree or disagree, but that's my view.

I went to bed late last night because of volleyball. I ended up playing two games (probably with the knowledge that KGL wouldn't be there). I didn't play particularly good in the second game, especially towards the end when I missed two spike attempts. When I said missed, I mean I completely missed the ball. I didn't miss the ground though, but that was quite embarassing.

Anyway, I got up late this morning, and while I was lying in bed, I thought I heard my zipper flip. You know that sound that zippers do when you flick them around? Well, it didn't bother me much until it happened again, and again, and.. Waitaminute. I could've sworn that the sound was coming from above me (behind the bed) so I got up and looked around. Looking down into the gap between the wall and the bed, I saw a little dark patch. Then I looked at the window frame and noticed a water drop growing at the bottom. Oh crap. Wood floors don't particularly like water, and I had no idea why this was happening (my window had never leaked before to my knowledge - at least there weren't any stains). So I got a styrofoam container and used it to catch the water. This was fourteen hours ago, I hope it didn't get full, fallen over, and gotten my bed soaked. That would be a bad thing (TM).

I got to school and was reminded by a note on the entrance that plant ops would be doing some work on the doorway so it will be closed on the 31st. A little quick math and you can figure out that that is a Monday. Why the heck are they doing this on a weekday?!? Was it inconvienient to do some construction on the weekend when there wouldn't be anyone here? Good grief.

I should get going soon. I've been wondering though, being single has it's advantages, although it's pretty moot if the people you're interested in are taken right? Or is it? That's a particularly scary thought.

Anyway, I haven't touched a computer game in over a week! Aren't you guys proud? I sure am! Mind you, once weirDo gets me a copy of Descent: Freespace 2..

Well, my ride is here, I'm going to go and eat now..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:34:28 EDT

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