The winter of 2002-3 was packed with events, trips, and new experiences for me. I don't have pictures from all of these events, but the ones I do are shown below.

Saturday, November 25, 2002

[Yao Ming - CAHL Series 2.]

The second CAHL series was rather surprising. On paper both teams looked even, but in practice the series ended in a sweep. However, all of the games were very close. I must point out that I missed the first and fourth games which meant that I missed the league's first shootout and our final series game.

Back row: EC, DC, LC (A), SS (C), and CC.
Front row: AH, FL, RL (G), VC, and CC.
Lying down: JH.
Absent: KC and me (A).

Tuesday, December 31, 2002

[Partying in the Mediaman's den.]

New Year's was spent at the Mediaman's home with a number of close friends. It was pretty pack in there and we had some fun taking pictures, eating food, and goofing around.

Front: (?), Dangerman, girl, Growly.
Back: Tenshi, SF, Laz, (?).

Wednesday, January 1, 2003

[Cat on the couch.]

When I went down to DeeL's place for their New Year's brunch, I knew I was going to be late. I went the year before at around the same time and there was a fairly large group of people who were milling about. This year, it was pretty much dead. Oh well.

That's Miranda (I think).

Saturday, January 11, 2003

[Churng Fun - CAHL Series 3.]

The third CAHL series was good. Both teams were evenly matched, and the games were generally close. The final series winner came when both goalies were not able to attend, so we had to use our substitute goalies. Unfortunately for Foong Jao, we had all of the substitute goalies (and the goalie equipment).

Back row: OC, KC, KC, LJ, SW, and PP.
Front row: YC (A), me, VC, and LC (A).
Lying down: RW.
Absent: RL (G) and JH (C).

Sunday, January 12, 2003

Armed with my new digital camera, I decided to take up to the hill and take some candid pictures of some candid ski patrollers.

[AE caught posing.]

While in the patrol hut, most of the patrollers sit around talking about.. stuff. There isn't really much to do while you're in the hut without a patient. Actually making fun of each other is a favorite pastime!

AE is striking a pose.

[LS with mouth agape.]

The patient room can hold two patients but also serves as a good place to hide away from the main area. Most of our equipment is stored here.

LS doesn't want her picture taken.

Wednesday, January 15, 2003

[Me still at work.]

I realized that I hadn't taken a picture of my workplace recently, and since I had moved from my original spot two years ago, I decided to show what my desk was like before I was moved again.

I'm sitting at my (messy) desk.

Saturday, January 18, 2003

Every year (for nearly the past decade), Growly and Laz have held a joint birthday party at Growly's place. The theme for this year's party was "Geeks and Freaks". I obviously came as the former and latter. But some were more geeky and others were more freaky. Actually there were far more freaks than geeks.

[Growly is stuck in the middle.]

Normally, only Dangerman is in town to participate in this annual event. This year, both of Growly's younger sisters were able to come out as well.

Growly is being flanked by GT on the left and TT on the right.

[SJ is working the camera.]

SJ (in true freaky style) kept making these strange poses for the camera so I had to take one. I took a few actually, but this is the one I kept.

SJ is "striking a pose" for the camera.

[Laz is crying over his new toy.]

Being Laz's birthday and all, a group of us decided to chip in and get a nice shiny new video card for him. (A Raedon All-in-Wonder 9700 Pro to be exact.) He was a pretty happy boy to say the least.

Laz and his new Radeon.

Sunday, January 19, 2003

The party went all night long and it wasn't until the wee hours in the morning when I decided to drag my sorry butt back home.

[Dancing.. yeah.]

A couple of girls started dancing to the music so I decided to take a couple of pictures. Then they stated to really go crazy and I took a couple more pictures. Then this guy came in and joined the crowd (well, it became a crowd) and that's when I took this picture.

I don't remember any of their names unfortunately.

[Tenshi on girl.]

At the end of the night, we watched a copy of the Lord of the Rings and people were starting to keel over. The last time we had a party at Growly's place, a couple of girls (I forgot who) kissed each other. Not to be outdone, we had a pseudo-lesbian thing here too.

That's Tenshi kissing girl.

Saturday, February 15, 2003

[Return to Avonlea.]

girl suggested that we all go out and try some curling. I was gung ho for the idea after trying it out last year and enjoying it. One would nominally play with eight players, but unfortunately the Mediaman and SF weren't able to show up.

Follow the heads from the left: Me, Dangerman, Laz, GT, girl, and Growly.

Sunday, February 16, 2003

[The boys in black and blue.]

Since I started patrolling, I never got anyone out to the hill to ski with me. So, seeing that it was Ski Patrol day, I invited everyone out to enjoy a day of snowboarding and general downhill fun. Only BT, Werdna, Dangerman, and girl were able to participate however. Still, I got my snowboarding hours in..

From the left: BT, Werdna, and Dangerman.

Saturday, March 1, 2003

[Leisure Suit Larry Lounge Lizards - CAHL Series 4.]

The fourth CAHL series basically stacked some of our best players on one team just so that we could beat up the other team. The first game (which I missed) effectively set the tone for the rest of the series. Utter domination. With a full lineup, our team was nigh-unstoppable. The series ended at 4-2, with the two losses coming from short benches (nine or eight players showing up).

Back row: SS, CC (A), EC, SW, me (A), KC, LJ, and KE.
Front row: DN (G), LC (C), KK, and YC.
Absent: VC.

Sunday, March 16, 2003

As the skiing season wound down, we decided to go out and hit the slopes one last time (since it was the last day that the hill was going to be open). girl even convinced Growly to strap himself down onto a plank of wood and join us for the afternoon!

[The brothers T.]

Unfortunately, since I dallied too long in the hut, I ended up being called out to an accident, which meant that I didn't actually get onto the hill until an hour after I arrived at the resort. This meant that I missed out on Growly's first attempts at snowboarding! Ah well, there's always the second and third attempts..

Dangerman and Growly are taking a breather on the bunny hill.

[Making a mess on the hill.]

Out of the five of us, only girl was proficient on the snowboard, the rest of us had less than a dozen sorties combined even including today. That would explain some of the messes we got into. (Although I was on skis since I was patrolling.)

Sprawling on the ground from the left are: Dangerman, girl, Growly, and MG.

Saturday, March 29, 2003

[The Mighty Ducks of Peking - CAHL Series 6.]

This series should not have finished the way it finished. I was there when the teams were picked and believe me, I thought the teams were heavily stacked.. against us. To come away to win the series and to win with a sweep was.. unheard of. This was just not supposed to happen! Too bad we didn't accept the Peking duck bet with the other team (The Sharp Shooters). It would've been.. tasty.

Back row: LC, KS, BL, FL, CC (A), OC, and PP.
Front row: NN (A), AH (C), me, and AL (admiring the trophy).
Lying down: RL (G).
Absent: SS.

Sunday, March 30, 2003

[Formula Kartway.]

At the end of March, girl invited us out to go go-karting at this indoor racetrack that she went to with her work. I didn't really think too much of it since I'm used to driving outside and indoor tracks couldn't be as good as outdoor ones right? Well, when they asked for our driver's licences, my interest was piqued. These karts are not too shabby, and the course was pretty fun to ride. We'll definitely have to do this again!

From Left to Right: Laz, girl, Growly, Dangerman, and I.

Saturday, April 5, 2003

In April, I took a day off work so that I could go skiing with a several patrollers out in Vermont. Since I have not skied on anything bigger than Blue Mountain, I was eagerly anticipating better pitch, longer runs, powder, and good skiing in general. I was not disappointed.

[LS and I walking back to the chalet.]

On the second day that we were there, TB, LS, and I went snowboarding on the beginner "hill" while everyone else went skiing. I had a good time despite the poor weather that day. It took us forever to make it across the pass to meet up with the rest of the group for lunch, but it was definitely a memorable trek.

That's me and LS walking (with our boards) to the chalet with the storm raging around us. Boy we look happy to be alive.

[KB and I enjoying our time inside.]

Since the weather while we were there was generally okay, and the snow conditions were actually quite good, we didn't actually spend a lot of time in the chalet or our rooms during the day. It was only today where we decided to call it a day after a long, cold, and icy (it was sleeting) morning.

That's me and KB happy and warm in the chalet.

Sunday, April 6, 2003

[The Vermont Crew.]

On our final day at the resort, we took a picture at the top of the hill next to one of the trail maps. The weather that day was amazing, and the conditions were excellent, especially considering how late into the season we were. It also helped a lot that there was nobody at the resort, so we had the mountain basically all to ourselves.. (relatively speaking.)

Back row: KB, CM, me, and SS.
Front row: TB, LS, and JM.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024 @ 20:28:35 EDT

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