
As you read your short report, or any other astrological report, keep in mind that the energies interpreted here are your birth potentials. However, you may or may not choose to actualize these energies in the manner described. Your age, sex, socio-economic situation, education, environment, level of development, and many other factors contribute to the ways in which you express your natal energies. Remember, the planets do not compel you to do or be anything. They influence you, but you still have the free will to determine your own life.

Sun and Moon in Cancer

You were born with both the Sun and the Moon in the sign of Cancer. No basic contradictions appear between your feelings, ideas, and actions. This combination makes you a very sensitive person whose essence lies in satisfying your desires for pleasure. You are good-natured, eager to be of service, and very attached to family life and domestic possessions.

There is a tendency to lack firmness, and you should try to strengthen your will somewhat. Other people may regard you as a good person, but not someone to be trusted with serious matters.

This sign of Cancer should give you a large family. Your manners are sociable and friendly, and you are highly imaginative.

You are strongly influenced by your environment and are hypersensitive in perceiving sounds, sights, etc.

Your philosophy is to live as naturally as possible with complete assurance that the basic requirements of food, shelter, and clothing are provided or are easy to obtain. You are very sensitive to coldness or unfaithfulness by those to whom you relate. The key to a better integration of your personality is to exert yourself in increasing your intellectual faculties.

Ascendant in Aries, Mars in the First House

At the time of your birth the zodiacal sign of Aries was ascending in the horizon. Its ruler Mars is located in the first house.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiacal belt and its natives seem also desirous of being "first" in all activities with which they happen to be involved. The cardinality of the sign makes you extremely active and capable of displaying ambition, impulsiveness, courage, and boldness in order to satisfy your desire for prominence in the world.

The general course of your life will be filled with many 'ups' and 'downs' and changes conforming very much with the psychological nature of your temperament. Whether you triumph or not in life depends on your ability to develop your most positive inborn qualities and, simultaneously, exert some control over your less favorable characteristics, such as a lack of prudence, and a certain disregard for the feelings and opinions of others.

By reading the house by house and astrological aspects analysis that follows, you will have to find confirmation or denial as to your success. Aries gives a tendency for its natives to be inclined to politics and public work. You should be successful (or at least attempt to be so) in any work or activity that necessitates pioneering ideas and/or a militant disposition. You also appear to have an ardent attitude in any project that somehow or another involves new concepts or original work and in which you are given a position of leadership. One of your problems is that in your love for achievement in novel projects you tend to destroy old concepts and former contributions which would, perhaps, have been useful for your endeavors. Impulsive, critical, despising mean or dubious acts, you will create many excellent friendships but also important enemies. Your life is rich in passion and ardent love. In sexual matters you are quick, aggressive, and to the point. You also are a lover of pleasures, which you feel with a bright, open, and sparkling character.

Jupiter Conjunct Ascendant

With Jupiter conjunct the Ascendant, you are the picture of optimism. You do nothing in moderation because you are always hopeful that some of your excesses will work out for the best in the long run. You are ambitious, but in satisfying your ambitions, you attempt more than is possible for you.

You are generous, kind, sympathetic, benevolent, and the delight of anyone seeking a contribution in a fund-raising campaign, since you are a soft touch. You are too open with private or classified information. Try to be more conservative and serious.

Moon in the Third House

The Moon appears in the third house at the time of your birth Your intellect is very sensitive to external events always changing and adjusting to the situation.

Memory is strong and of a pictorial nature. The mind, however, is liable to become too subjective and shallow with an overemphasis on superficial learning and with little practical use or lacking in intellectual sensibility. On the favorable side, there exists a vast reservoir of creativity which could be successfully applied to such pursuits as writing and poetry. Physically, the Moon will give you an intensely active life full of changes, mobility and fluctuations.

The demands of this position are simple: exert yourself in acquiring better control of your unstable and persistent imagination, increasing, thereby, powers of concentration and you will find delightful improvements not only at a mental level, but also in the ability to communicate with others more realistically.

Sun in the Fourth House

The Sun appears in the fourth house at the time of your birth. This is an indication that parental name, family affairs and other domestic matters are of the utmost importance in your life.

Sun brings honor, pride, and fame to anything under its influence, and it is indicated that the problem of these influences here is that proper success for you cannot materialize until you are well past your mature years. There appears to exist a very strong attachment to one of your parents.

You believe in being the "ruler" in your home, and the sense of privacy is extensively developed in your nature.

As life passes you will experience illuminating insights connecting your individuality with certain racial and family elements. Study them. You will then perhaps discover the nature of the spiritual mission which destiny requires of you.

Saturn in the Fourth House

Saturn was found in the fourth house at the time of your birth. With this placement you may have the feeling that duties and obligations in your early childhood conflicted with your innermost emotional needs. Consequently, you felt frustrated and misunderstood. This could lead to a sense of fear and distrust in the world that is not conducive to success in human relations and communications.

However, this does not have to be the case. Although you may feel that your personal freedom is hindered, Saturn can lead you to a better understanding of what causes these emotions. You have the ability to learn a lot about your inner self and about what you need to find emotional security. If you accept Saturn's challenges, you will be able to do or leave things at your own volition. It is only your inner duties and obligations you have to answer to.

Venus in the Sixth House

Venus was found in your sixth house at the time of your birth. You can regard yourself as a lucky individual. Your health throughout life has been either very good or you have had the capability of quickly recovering from illness.

In dealing with others within your work environment, you may also obtain an increase in income. Your attitude to work is that it is a pleasurable thing to do. You are not a hard working individual; on the contrary, there is something of laziness in you. Destiny may put you into positions where you will work under the direction of extremely kind and attractive superiors. A love relationship could start due to this interaction.

Note: Venus is technically near the end of house 5 and is therefore interpreted in house 6.

Text by Robert Pelletier Copyright © Astrodienst AG 2000

Tuesday, October 15, 2024 @ 20:25:48 EDT

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