This is a list of home pages of people who I have met and gotten to know over the years.

Recently Updated

This would include sites that have been updated in the past couple of years.

Agnerian, Maral (herself-the-elf)
Met this girl at one of girl's friend's 80's music party. She's such a cutie and has quite an interesting character. To top it off, she likes animé to boot! Now mind you, she's a little too crazy for my tastes, but still leads to interesting conversations.
So if you want to check out her page (and comic series) then you should take a look at the den of Sarcasm.
Casselman, Darcy (the flying squirrel)
It was probably during the Winter of 1997, the second term I was declared treasurer of CTRL-A, when I first bumped into this lad. (It couldn't have been the first term because he was on work term - as he mentioned on his page - and besides, Jax was declared web maintainer that term..) Actually, one reason why I don't remember meeting Darcy would be because he's so quiet. Not really quiet, but more.. timid. Well, if you've ever watched Babylon 5, he reminds me of Vir Cotto. Very much so. It's not a bad thing (Vir eventually becomes emperor, so Darcy might become grand ruler of Earth..), so be nice to him.
Anyway, he seems to have a knack at finding information and knowing stuff (guess how I found out about CSS?). Darcy has recently teamed up with DK and HaremPresident on the Clone Army project with the unenviable position of pillar of sanity. Other than that, you can check out Darcy Casselman's Still Rather Tired-Looking Homepage.
Chow, Andrew (Tomer)
The first time I heard about this guy was during our ill-fated attempt to start up a computer gaming company (Spring 1996 term I think). The idea was to network a number of computers and get people to pay us to play a variety of networked games (Doom, Descent, etc.). Apart from Laz, hc and me, Laz brought in Werdna. He had this bizarre design for a weird contraption that would hold the gamer and computer system.. but that's for another story. The computer idea died a silent death, but I'm glad we didn't sink money into it (it would've lost lots). I eventually met up with Werdna later that year.
Werdna's got a new page called Digital Piant. Yes, the typo is intentional. Check it out if you have the time.
Waddleton, Tiffany
I met Tiffany a number of times at Growly and Laz's various parties. She's an artist, and I remember her genie costume from a Halloween party a number of years back.
She's got more information on herself and her works at her Gallery.
Krissy (Krissy)
She's the youngest girl I know who has a tattoo and quite an interesting person once you get to know her.
Krissy has a number of websites, of which only a couple are publically accessible. There is //Fated... and KarmicMayan on deviantART has her artwork.

Put on Hold

These home pages have been updated in the last five years.

Chang, André
This guy is a math genius. I think the first time I heard of this boy was sometime in highschool. Hmm.. probably grade nine sometime. André was in the grade above of me and even in grade ten he was blowing everyone away in the math contests. All of them (and boy, there were a lot of contests). Needless to say, this boy cut through highschool math like it was soggy bread and gave the rest of us something to aim for. He also went to the University of Waterloo where he did.. I can't remember. But anyway, I talked to him quite a number of times, and we played cards with the rest of his group (Saucy and crew) which I could at least beat him in.
I haven't talked to the boy in years, but he's just recently put up a homepage (which I noticed as a link from Otto's page) so if you may want to take a break at Chez André.
Bart, Bradley Stephen
I've been told that I met Brad in the physics computer lab when I went to inquire about my thermodynamics midterm mark (which would put in sometime in Fall 1994). At least that's what he told me, I remember going there to ask about my mark, but I can't for the life of me remember the face of the person I went to talk to. Anyway, I ran into this guy again when he started doing his research project in the same lab as me. He's quite a character, and he's smart as hell. He's also a bridge player and a mine sweeper, and his skills far surpass mine. (I'm not worthy!)
He was the one who went through with the idea of driving across the country and is currently residing at SFU. More information on him can be found on the graduate student Bradley Stephen Bart info page.
Owen, Michael (hellcow)
I faintly remember the first time I met Mike sometime during the Fall 1993 term. Laz wanted to play the board game supremacy and we needed some extra players to fill out the other powers in the game. He enlisted the two guys that lived across his room: Kyle and Mike. Supremacy was kind of fun, although Laz had a tendency of destroying the world. Anyway, I ended up living with Mike and Rob for the next three years (woah.. that's a long time) at Gary's place, and then at WCRI. We had many interesting discussions, although he tended to win all of the arguments. A very interesting guy, as long as you don't get him annoyed..
After a bit of prodding and poking (figuratively you sickos!) Mike has finally put up his (much belated) website. It's still fairly new, but he's already put up quite bit of stuff, so mosey on down to the Ramparts!


Home pages that have not been updated in over five years fall under this category.

Kwong, Jackie
I think the first time I met Jackie was during a CTRL-A meeting a few years ago (Fall 1996 term). To be honest, I really didn't get to talk to her much while she was there. Apart from seeing her at club activities and the occasional random encounter, most of our conversations were over e-mail and were quite short. I guess that's my loss, she is quite a character and I would've loved to have gotten to know her better..
Anyway, her homepage (the distinguished dabbler - which used to be the site for distinguished tastes) is quite out of date, and she hasn't been working on it for many years now. Although there was a short lived blog known as the Scribble.
Pollock, Stuart (Jean-Guy)
If I remember correctly, I first met Stu in a math course during my second year at the University of Waterloo (Winter 1995 I think). I think the course was ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Did fairly poorly if I recall, but that's beside the point. This buddy boy has been around campus for much longer than I have and he's participated in a heck of a lot more events and crap than I ever will!
He's currently still sticking around UW for some reason or another so chances are that he'll still be here after I'm gone. Anyway, he's a nice guy, so check out his (rather old and sparse) Home of Jean-Guy!
Stevenson, Murray
I think I can remember Murray from grade six (1986-1987), although I never really talked to him much either in elementary school, junior high, or even high school. He's more of a casual acquaintance than someone that I would normally talk to, and the people that we generally hung with were completely different. Still, he's a pretty interesting guy, so talk to him if you get the chance.
In fact, you can go to murray's page and find out more about him!

Tuesday, October 15, 2024 @ 20:27:10 EDT

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Eric Hoffer (From The Quotations Page.)