These quotes are from Obvious from (the now defunct) Cat's Cradle.

  • Why does duty always call collect?
  • Nowadays humans have a greater chance of being shot then your average wild animal.
  • I used to be an atheist until I found out that I was god.

They look like a matching pair of alternative salt and pepper shakers.

- Jeremy (Commenting on 2 Goth girls at a Nine Inch Nails Concert, 95)

They say youth is wasted on the young...In your case, so is food and oxygen.

- The Preston Episodes

Look how much work it takes to bore me.

- Dr. Katz

Marriage was something I thought only happened to other people, like fatal traffic accidents.

- Marid (GA Effinger)

It's that truly elegant design that people always use when they make things to kill each other.

- Bruce Sterling (Heavy Weather)

From Brain Go

It's hard to make a comeback if you haven't been anywhere.

- Anonymous

From Jim Vaughn

"Life's a journey, not a destination."

- Aerosmith

From Magnus Lindroth

Just cause you look like a whore doesn't mean you'll get paid.

- Swedish Proverb

Here's an interesting observation from some unknown person

Why do they put braille on the key pads of drive through bank machines?

Some stuff from Maria Cristina.

  • you would twist your ankle the day before the big race..
  • you know you are in trouble when everyone loves your driver's licence..
  • you know you are in trouble when your blind date turns to be your ex.

Some stuff from girl.

"We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the Complete Works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true."

- Robert Wilensky, University of California

Censorship is the mother of metaphor.

- Unknown

The supreme happiness in life is the conviction that you are loved.

- Victor Hugo

Something from someone.

People do strange things, when with only one other person, they act like themselves.

Here's something from Bob Jarboe.

Sign seen in a public school secretary's office:
"In case of tornado, the ban on prayer in school will be lifted."

Here are two from Geoff Eggen.

  • If you could eat as much as you "think" you would probably starve!
  • "Every""Word""you""say""is""a""quote"",""isn't""it""?"

Here's one from Brian Hook.

What can you do when you live in a shoe?
Just dig a hole and live in the sole.

- Unknown

Submitted Sunday, January 17, 1999 by some person.

It's like taking a bucket of water out of the ocean.

(I have used this quote many times, for example when cleaning the garage all day and then standing back to see my accomplishments)

Here are two from PeeKaBoo.

  • Whenever a system becomes completely defined, some damn fool discovers something which either abolishes the system or expands it beyond recognition.
  • Nothing is really hard work unless you'd rather be doing something else.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024 @ 20:28:30 EDT

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Arthur Koestler (From The Quotations Page.)