I have a number of extra curricular activities throughout the year. Some of these groups have web sites so I've compiled a list of them here.


Chinese Adult Hockey League
From a haphazard scrimmage between a handful of die hard hockey wannabes to a weekly contest of skills and tactics between two dozen skaters, the CAHL has grown immensely since it's inception late in 2000.
I've been playing with these guys for a couple of years now and it's been pretty fun. I even have a profile! Ah boy, these guys really take this game seriously.
Goldhawk Badminton
I've been playing badminton with the Goldhawk community for a number of years now. It's a very recreational type of badminton club with people from all around the neighborhood participating each week in playing just to have fun, get some exercise, and to learn the sport.
There are quite a number of better players there who I'm trying to pit my skills against, so hopefully I'll be improving over the next couple of years.
Toronto Central Sport & Social Club
Derelict as putting together a curling team at the end of 2006 and I turned down the offer as I did not have the funds to participate. Unfortunately, he had some manpower issues and begged for me to come out so I did, and somehow managed to become co-captain of the team.
Toronto Ultimate Club
I've been playing ultimate with TUC for some time. The first team I played for is the Stray Rays because I knew DWC and I was invited to join the team. I played for them a couple of years before joining the ninjastars in the 2002 fall season when the Stray Rays didn't put together a team. (I knew LY.) There's now a web forum which people can check for the latest news.


Ski Patrol Kawartha
I was invited by ET to go to an informational seminar to learn about the Canadian Ski Patrol, The two aspects of the system (first aid and skiing) were things that I wanted to learn more about, in addition to meeting a lot of people (and the free skiing). So after the first session, I decided that it was something I should try to participate in.
I started patrolling at the end of 2001 and I've enjoyed nearly every moment of it. I would suggest to anyone else who has the time to spare to try it out sometime! I ski in the Ontario Division. More specifically, in the Kawartha Zone.
Ride for Heart
I have been participating in the Ride for Heart since 2000 and have been riding in this event ever since. The novelty of biking on a controlled access highway has not worn off on my yet, and I always enjoy the exericse I get each year.
WWF CN Tower Climb
I started participating in the WWF CN Tower Climb in 1999 and certainly enjoyed the novelty of climbing up the tallest free standing structure in the world. I only did it for five years before I lost interest in the event. I would recommend anyone to try it at least once though, just so that you can say that you have climbed up the CN Tower!

Saturday, March 8, 2025 @ 21:25:07 EST

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