The summer of 2003 and 2004 proved to be yet another year of crazy sports and activity.

Tuesday, May 27, 2003

[ninjastars - S03 Ultimate Game One.]

The first game of the ninjastars 2003 summer season took place on a very swampy field with an inch of water and a whole lot of mud. Actually, the field was just wet at the beginning, but after we were through with it, it was one gigantic mud pie. We all enjoyed the game however, and took a team picture to commemorate this historic event.

Back row: SR, RF, CN, SM, VC, EW, KW, KB, PRQ, CC, GK, and TM.
Front row: DWC, Pokey, LY, BMH, TT, ASH, LF, me, and ZanZan.

Sunday, June 1, 2003

Laz, HKL, and I went on the Ride for Heart this year. Actually, girl and Dangerman were supposed to join us as well, but girl got sick so it was just the three of us.

[Getting ready to ride.]

We arrived more-or-less on time, and found a sweet (free) parking spot. It was a little chilly, but it didn't dampen our spirits. It didn't take long to get ready and head to the Exhibition grounds.

That's me keeping my pants on, and Laz ready to go riding.

[Waiting in line.]

Since I had never entered through the side entrance for the Ride for Heart, I had no idea where to go to start the race. In addition, the throngs of people who were milling about didn't help our sense of direction either. Eventually, we followed the flow and ended up in the middle of some sort of holding area.

That's me and Laz wondering if we ended up in the starting line or the "we don't know where we're going either" line.

[HKL and his power bar.]

There were rest stops situated approximately eight kilometers apart on the route (there were five of them) and since we were taking it easy, I made a point of stopping off at each and every one (to search for power bars).

HKL shows off his power bar at the Don Mills rest stop.

[End of the line.]

At the halfway point, we got a fellow biker to take these pictures for us. I was going to ask the policeman to do the honours but I doubted that he'd want to take everybody's picture all the time (he had just taken one group's photos when we got there).

That's me, HKL, and Laz at the end of the highway.

[Men with bikes.]

I was a little surprised as to my condition at this point. I didn't feel tired. In fact, I had tons of energy! Coupled with the knowledge that the rest of the ride was mostly downhill, I was itching to burn rubber back to the finish line.

Posing with our bikes are me, Laz, and HKL.

[Showing off our city's language independent road signs.]

Since it's not often one is standing on the middle of a highway, I wanted to take this moment to prove that we were out to enjoy our city's freeways because we wanted to be there, not because the car broke down.

That's Laz and I next to the large (they're a lot larger up close than they appear from the car) orange sign.

[A test of sight and strength.]

I should mention that since the Gardiner Expressway is an elevated highway, it's not often that one gets to look over the side or even stand around at the side of the highway (since there aren't any shoulders). I must say that I'm glad those barriers are sturdy because it's a long way down..

That's HKL checking out the height, and me checking out the barrier.

Tuesday, June 3, 2003

At our second ninjastars game, we took a couple of team photos.

[ninjastars - S03 Ultimate Game Two.]

The first photo was pretty much standard with everyone huddled together.

Back row: SC, ASH, KW, LF, and VC.
Third row: EW, TT, PRQ, CN, LY, and BMH.
Second row: Me, SR, RF, and CC.
Front row: Pokey, KO, GK, PC, and TM.

[ninjastars - S03 Ultimate Game Take Two.]

The second picture was taken after we were told to strike a pose.

Back row: SC, ASH, KW, LF, and VC.
Third row: EW, TT, PRQ, CN, LY, and BMH.
Second row: Me, SR, RF, and CC.
Front row: Pokey, KO, GK, PC, and TM.

Tuesday, July 8, 2003

After the ninjastars game, KW, BMH, DWC, PY, TM, and PL took me out to dinner for my birthday.

[Trying on the new shorts.]

While we were there, they gave me my birthday present. Two brand spanking new shorts! (I was so surprised! Not.) Seeing as they were new and all, I had to try them on for size.

That's me wondering how you're supposed to put these things on.

[Enjoying the new shorts.]

We spent the rest of the night eating and taking a lot of pictures. I've got a copy of all of them on CD. The collection includes some pictures after the game where we had an amazing sunset which lit up the sky in a blazing sheen of red. If you included the rainbow, it made for an awesome sight. The photos unfortunately don't do it any justice.

Here's my conclusion on the day's events.

Sunday, August 23, 2003

[Taking a cat nap.]

I went to visit Squishy one day for some rest, relaxation, and painting. (I wasn't planning on the painting, but it went along with the rest and the relaxation so I couldn't complain.) Anyway, after a nice skate around the neighborhood, some painting, and some goofing off, she told me to fetch her camera because Cody was enjoying the sun. So I decided to take out my camera as well.

Cody is soaking up the sun.

Saturday, September 13, 2003

[So Jabberwocky.]

I wanted to lie down next to Squishy, but PRQ beat me to it. I was a little bitter about that so I sat out of the group. Actually, I liked sticking out like this. It makes me look even more goofy! (Besides, Jabberwocky ran out of players to lie down next to.)

Jabberwocky's So Cut.

Sunday, September 21, 2003

[Watching the game.]

I'm not sure when this picture was taken, but there were a lot of photos being snapped during this game. We had a lot of new players joining the ninjastars and we didn't have everyone's photographs to add to the site. Someone (PRQ or BMH) brought a camera out to this game and took some pictures of the players who's mugs were missing from the site. In addition, some action shots were taken and some sideline pictures were also made. I just happened to be in one of them.

I'm doing some pondering while KB looks like he's found what he's looking for.

Friday, October 10, 2003

[Ten year reunion.]

During our ten year reunion cum surprise birthday party, I wanted to take a picture of the group that stuck through high school. In hindsight, I should've gotten this picture taken before JK took off.

Back row: DeeL, me, JH, and DM.
Front row: OM, HKL, and Stonaday.
Missing: JK.

Saturday, October 11, 2003

It was a really nice day when I gave Laz some practice on stick, so I decided to take some pictures of my cars before the weather turned bad again.

[2003 Acura RSX.]

My new car is a 2003 Acura RSX Premium with tinted windows. There's virtually nothing else added on to this car when this picture was taken.

My new car in the driveway.

[1988 Corolla GT-S.]

My old car is a 1988 Corolla GT-S. (Very close to Hachi-Roku.) It's holding up pretty well despite it's age, but I think it's on it's last legs now. I'll be using it mainly as a trainer and commuting car from this point on.

My old car in the driveway.

Thursday, November 6, 2003

[I have not left work yet.]

As we had recently moved offices, I figured that it was time to take yet another picture of my (rather messy) workspace. Fortunately, I got an office with a window, although I have to share it with others.

That's me in my new spot in the new building.

Sunday, November 9, 2003

[ninjastars - F03 Ultimate.]

The ninjastars put together a fall ultimate team, and I decided to play for them. One weekend both JW and ALC came out to visit us and played with us that one game. It was fun, and I had just gotten back from my trip to Texas and had my cowboy hat on. It wasn't very good to run around in though.

Back row: EW, SM, SR, ASH, LF, GK, JW, CC, PRQ, and DWC.
Front row: JH, me, LY, BMH, KB, ALC, and VC.

Friday, March 26, 2004

[New Location. Same work.]

As the company in the same suite as us was expanding, our company got relocated to the offices across the hall. I ended up getting a smaller office with HT. We still got a window, except this window faced another room and didn't have as good a view. (Unless we hire some cute programmers though..)

That's me in my new spot in the new suite.

Tuesday, April 6, 2004

[Different office. Same work.]

For part of the week, I spend my time out at one of our client locations. My time out there usually averages out to two days a week, which is fairly significant considering how much work I have to do when I get back. Things are fairly interesting out there as more and more people keep getting hired to work in that department. First there was DP, the Laz came out, then MF, and most recently MF was hired. My actual working area keeps changing as I keep getting kicked out from my empty cubicle whenever they get a new employee but I usually find space somewhere.

That's me in my one of my temporary spots at the client site.

Saturday, May 29, 2004

[A shoe star.]

After a dim sum lunch , girl, Dangerman, Laz, Tenshi, Growly and I were trying to figure out what to do for the rest of the day. Laz had brought his camera and decided to take a picture of our feet while we were discussing our options.

Clockwise from the twelve o'clock position: Tenshi, Growly, girl, Laz, Dangerman, and me.

Saturday, September 25, 2004

[Gemini and Cancer do get along!]

The Zodiac tournament is an ultimate tournamet held in the fall where teams are selected based on their astrological sign. There are limited spots available, and due to situations where some signs are missing males or females (or both), extras from other signs will come in to fill in for those teams. I was lucky and ended up with my team sign (Cancer).

BMH was taking photographs and happened to come across CC and I while we were in line, so we posed for a picture. The food was amazingly good. I was surprised as we had couscous, rice, beef and vegetable stew, fruit, vegetables, cookies, and other delectible desserts.

CC and I.

Sunday, September 26, 2004

[Team Cancer - Zodiac 2004.]

I had a pretty good time, and we had a really good team. We had an excellent chance at the championships this year, but missed it by one point. However, we did manage to get third place, which is the best that Cancer has done in years (from what I've been told)! Yay Cancer!

Left to Right: LR, MW, Chevy (Actually a Taurus), Wheels, WR, TC, JB (Actually a Gemini), MS, DL, Me, NS (Actually a Leo).
Sitting in Front: Ginger and ZanZan (Actually a Pisces).
Missing: WM (left during third game), BC (worked on Sunday), and ST (no show).

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

[So Close.]

After our inaugural year with So Cut, we decided to create a video of our playoff run. I had a semi-famous play whereby we had a sure point but the disc was thrown behind me and I ended up bobbling the disk and ended up on the ground with the disk falling down next to me. So embarassing!

Of course we did a mockumentary section on that entire fiasco.

That is me in a recreation of the "So Close" catch.

Thursday, September 30, 2004

[New spot, more sunlight.]

We got moved to yet another office down the hall. This time we had the place to ourselves, pretty much. But more importantly, I was able to get a window seat.

That is me in my new spot next to the window.

Saturday, March 8, 2025 @ 21:20:48 EST

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