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[12:04 AM EST - News Bytes: Electronic dating.]

I went by ArsTechnica just now and found an interesting article about electronic gadgets and how they won't bring a plane down. I also found some online dating tips very useful. While I'm here, I also found the following GUIdebook very interesting.


[8:27 AM EST - The plans are made..]

Oh yeah, so we made our plans last night for our trip next week. I'm supposed to go to DE's place after work and hitch a ride with CM. I'm also supposed to bring non-carbonated non-alcoholic drinks and snacks. I also need to bring my equipment tonight with me to the party so that I can hand them over to Pezboy to transport to the condo. It's all good. It's all good..


[11:32 AM EST - Not enough breakfast.]

Man, I'm getting hungry already! I've got some things to do tonight, like pay off my Visa, write some cheques, get some certificates ready, and pick up my equipment.. Geez, lots of stuff to do. Hopefully I'll be able to relax this weekend though.


[Saturday, March 27, 2004: Finding the party.]

Well, the patrol year-end party was tonight and I needed to bring my equipment down with me (as well as the gift certificates) so that I can hand them off to Pezboy.

I had to go to the bank first to deposit some cheques. The parking lot was packed, so I ended up parking at the other end of the mall (where there was some construction). It didn't take me long to do my transaction, although I had to walk through most of the mall to get to the bank and back. It felt kind of weird looking around and seeing how much the mall has changed in the past twenty-five years. I still remember many of the stores that used to be in there, and the look it had with the fake brick tiles, and fake woodchip walls.

Speaking of change, I was reading a little pamphlet on changes in the workplace, and there was an insert which had a poem by Robert R. Updegraff.

But I digress. As I got back into my car, I remembered that I had left my equipment at home! Fortunately, I was close enough to the house to pick up my stuff before heading back out to the pub again.

Unfortunately, by the time I got to the highway, I realized that I had left the maps I had printed off on the printer at work! Doh!

Fortunately, I remembered the general location of the pub, so I decided to go on memory.

Unfortunately, when I got there, I realized that the entire area was filled with malls and I didn't remember which exact location the pub was located at.

Forunately, I had my cell phone handy.

Unfortunately, I didn't have any numbers handy.

Fortunately, it should've been a fairly well known pub.

Unfortunately, being a guy, I decided not to ask for directions and started to drive through each and every mall in the area to determine the location of this one particular establishment.

I ended up spending half an hour looking through half a dozen strip malls before finding the one I was looking for. The fact that the place was dark, and I didn't have a navigator made it that much more difficult to discover it, but find it I did, and I was glad that there was still food left!

Actually, I wasn't all that hungry. Soon after I had lunch, I was talking with JL and SM came in to ask us if we were going to lunch. Apparently a lot of people were going so I decided to tag along as well.

Anyway, to make a long story short, I didn't eat much, but I still stuffed myself, and found out after lunch that it was actually a celebratory lunch for HL! Who would've thunk?

So yeah, I wasn't all that hungry when I got to the pub. It was a moderate turnout, but I got my free food so I was happy.

One more thing, I got a free mug, t-shirt, and gift certificate and apparently I got the refresher of the year award for the patrol. *shows of plaque* Yay.

I think it's time to brush my teeth.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:29:49 EDT

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