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[3:03 PM EST - Tummy ache.]

I had a severe case of stomach aches last night. It woke me up from my dream and kept me up for an hour before I tried to go to bed again. I don't know what I ate that might've caused that incident, but it might've been the sushi..


[3:08 PM EST - Periodontist or Orthodontist..]

Just for my records, a periodontist deals with gums, while the orthodonist deals with irregularities with teeth.


[5:01 PM EST - Patrol stick.]

Well, I did my last patrol for the year today. Not too many people came out to the hill so we didn't have that many accidents. It was exceptionally muddy around the hut though, and I got my equipment all messy.

My old car's being used as a trainer right now. The battery was dead, and the tires were flat, but both got addressed eventually. Hopefully I'll be able to drive around in it this summer.


[8:26 PM EST - Covenant.]

I watched "Raiders of the Lost Ark" just now. Man, there are so many.. classic lines in that movie, and some extra stuff they threw in there that really wasn't needed, although I guess it added to the atmosphere of the movie.

Anyway, I got some entries to catch up on (again). It's a never ending chore is it?


Thursday, March 6, 2025 @ 21:34:55 EST

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"Life is divided into the horrible and the miserable."

Woody Allen (From The Quotations Page.)