These pictures were taken in the first couple of years after my graduation at the University of Waterloo. I spent quite a bit of time in the city before starting my master's here as can be seen by the pictures below.

Friday, March 14, 1997

[MJO's birthday dinner at East Side Mario's.]

Holy geez is this a big picture. This one was donated by Growly, even though I think it was taken by Laz. Anyway, this is a picture during MJO's birthday dinner at East Side Mario's. I can't remember exactly why we went there, probably because we couldn't think of a better (and fancier) place to eat. Ah well, it was fun, and a hearty meal.

That's Werdna at the front, louder is right behind him, then it's Zippy and MJO on the right.

Saturday, August 2, 1997

[MJO and Laz at the WCRI parking lot.]

This picture was taken at the WCRI parking lot. Let me see, August 2nd.. This was the summer after I graduated from UW. MJO needed a few more credits to graduate and ended up going to school for one more term while I was working at the school for the summer. Fortunately, we both had a one year lease on the apartment so we didn't have to sublet. Zippy (the other guy that lived with us), on the other hand, did and that's how we met Tom.. but that story is for another time. I can't remember what the heck was going on, but Laz came to visit that weekend, and he was wearing Growly's bug eye sunglasses for some reason or another. I'm not sure where the glasses are now, but.. eh, it's not like I care too much.

That boy on the left there is MJO, and Laz is the one with the shades on the right.

Saturday, May 16, 1998

This picture was taken at the north-east corner of Brimley and Sheppard in Scarborough (now Toronto - gosh darned it). It's a picture of a dog that got hit by a minivan a few minutes earlier. The girl is one of the witnesses who stuck around after the incident (sorry about the bad angle shot!). I have a little story about the dog that got hit by a car.

It was suggested that it was poor taste to post this picture so I took the picture down. Sorry!

Tuesday, July 14, 1998

[Wet Cement - S98 Broomball.]

After a very fun term (four months) of co-rec broomball, I figured that I should get a picture of the Wet Cement broomball team that I've maintained and led since 1995 (With Zippy's help during the first couple of years). It's too bad that everyone has graduated now. But we had many good games together!

From the left to right are Grover, Brian, Tim, and Tiger (the Goalie). Missing long time players include Bob (who's in the next picture), Gary (who got me playing broomball), and Zippy.

[CTRL-A - S98 Broomball.]

Here we have a fledgling team that I started up during the 1998 summer term. Most of the players are members of CTRL-A, with a couple of extra people thrown in for good measure (like Tiger - cuz he can stop balls). This picture has a couple of people from Riston's team (Stallions in the Desert or Army of Darkness) who we borrowed for the last game.

The people in the front row are KNZ, Devos, Riston (from Riston's team). While those in the back row consist of Jim (Riston's goalie), HaremPresident, JCC, HNT, Bob (Riston's best player), Jen and Rog (arguably Riston's second best player).

Saturday, August 29, 1998

[Laz and the Fish.]

I forgot what he said exactly, but Laz saw the tank and asked

"What's up with the fish?"

Funny how I got a picture of that moment. This was taken at my house (in TO) Saturday night. I had come home for the weekend.. I think it was the Labour day long weekend, and we (Laz, Werdna, and I) were just about to go to DeeL's place for a whole night (and part of the morning) of gaming.

If you haven't noticed yet, that is Laz in the picture and to the left, are the fish.

Sunday, October 18, 1998

[Paintball Group Shot.]

Before I ever even tried paintball, I was always worried of getting hurt or stung by the balls of paint whizzing around the game area. After this exhaustive, full day, outdoor, all out war, I must admit.. I'll have to do it again! The only thing that got hurt that day was my wallet. Here's a picture of the guys I shot at/with, most of whom worked at the imprint that term.

You should recognize Tiger, Grover and louder in the front row.

Sunday, January 17, 1999

[Laz and Tenshi.]

Actually, it was more like Saturday night when this picture was taken. This was during Laz and Growly's birthday party down at Growly's place. Laz was working in Toronto, but actually came up for the party since it was a good reason to visit, and their bday's are only a week apart. They did this last year at their place (at a different abode) and it was a fun party even though I was late for that one - mind you, I was late for this one too!

On the left is Laz telling the world to live in peace, and on the right is his girlfriend Tenshi. No, he's not drunk, he's always like that.

Sunday, June 6, 1999

[Laz in Growly's room.]

This picture was taken really late at night at Growly's place after we had eaten dinner at some Bar & Grill. He was playing around with a USB digital camera and wanted to take a picture of me (Ha!). Anyway, he mentioned later that this was a picture of his room that effectively missed out on all of the messy parts in his room. He was quite impressed.

That's my shoulder on the bottom left-hand corner, and Laz is in the back, admiring the posters.

Friday, June 18, 1999

[Stallions in the Desert - S99 Broomball.]

This is a pseudo-group shot of the S99 competitive broomball championship team (also known as the Stallions in the Desert). I never really got to get a good group shot. The times when we were actually together, my camera was broken. Ah well, there's always next term..

Starting from the left is (Big) Jim, SDS (Tipper), Chris (Wall), Riston (Captain), Bob (Mister Broomball), and Greg (Graduate).

Wednesday, June 23, 1999

[CTRL-A - S99 Broomball.]

During the last corec broomball game (with my CTRL-A team), I was a little worried that we wouldn't have enough people to show up for the game, so I asked some people to show up. Boy, did they ever. Only a couple of people in this picture actually belong on the team, and I'll point them out to you. Then again, it was a pretty fun game, so it was a good way to end the season.

In the front row are Mr. Broomball (on team) and the two goalies: Jim and Tiger (on team). In the back row is some guy, Joe (on team), some girl, some other guy, someone on the other team, and the other guy from the other team. Yup.

Thursday, June 24, 1999

[CTRL-A - S99 Volleyball.]

During one of the biggest volleyball turnouts for our team, I decided to take a group shot. We've actually had a fair number of regular people showing up, even people who thought they were bad (and to some extent they were right) showed up. It didn't take anything away from the game since we had at least one person to laugh at! It was another good term for the CTRL-A team, and I hope to have another soon!

There were some people missing from the photo, but I'll get them next term. From left to right: Alex, FlyingS, KNZ, Caroline (in back), Dave, HaremPresident, Jax, and JCC.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024 @ 20:31:22 EDT

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