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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

Gosh darned it.. screwed up my Netscape profile and I have to find all of my bookmarks again. (Pain in the butt) All because this computer has a tendency of crashing. Speaking of computers, I'm being ever more tempted to buy a new system, (Now with all these neato gadgets and stuff that's floating out there). Still, it'd be expensive to buy a new system, even if I did shop around. Yeesh.

Well, finished the Key marathon last night, it went pretty well IMNSHO, we even started on time to boot! (This with none of the normal people who know what to do actually doing stuff) I've always wondered why it takes us so long to put something together when we have more "experienced" people than having a whole bunch of neophytes plugging in cables into sockets that seem to fit? I'll think about that later.

Has anyone wondered why we have History? Why not Herstory? I find that most of our history is male dominated, and boy does it have a lot of conflict.. in fact, a lot of the highlights in history are related to conflicts, and that just goes to show our natural aggressive tendencies. Still, it would be interesting if humankind was guided mostly by women, would we be less confrontational? I know there are jokes about if all world leaders were women then we wouldn't have any wars, but why do we have wars in the first place? Couldn't we just all live happily together? The cycle of violence will only end when one or both sides are entirely annihilated, or someone decides apologize, to forgive and forget. Instead, more people die, more innocents suffer, and more human beings are drawn in to fuel the never ending maelstrom called war.

Anyway, enough with the bleak outlook of life, I bumped into Renee at the arcade, (Since Frances and I wanted to play G:L - Beat the Dragon twice and the Chimera once, and made it to the Genie, all on one credit each!) It was pretty busy last night tho, so I didn't get to talk to her much. I made it to Growly & Laz's birthday bash however. Bumped into a few people I didn't think I'd still see in town. (Some physics people) It was alright, although I didn't know too many people there.. well, I actually knew about a third of the people there, but I was much too tired (and too full - had a big meal at Roger's Grill).

At least I got enough sleep last night, there was a two hour rec skate today and I wanted to make up for the lack of skating last week. I really should start playing hockey soon, but I don't know where to get good equipment for a decent price. Besides, I think most of my time this term will be spent on the two presentations and one seminar (I think I can use the same topic for all three =) I have to present. We'll have to see.

I think I'll be adding a few more links to this page, now that my bookmarks are all gone, I know that the chances that this page will disappear on me are pretty slim (knock on wood) so I'll move the links to a separate link's page, now that it takes forever to scroll down to the bottom. Anywayz, I need to get some rest, took a tumble onto the ice and bruised my leg or something. I'll be back later.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 04:45:11 EDT

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