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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

Monday Monday Monday.. not much going on here except your usual fiddle me this and check me that. Had a lot of fun lining up to sign up for the co-rec volleyball for our CTRL-A team. This term, they only allowed people to sign up teams on one day instead of the normal two days. That one day being today made things pretty hectic. To add to the confusion, they changed how they got people to sign up. Before, it was at the top floor of the PAC where there was a large room so everyone could get packed in. This time, they set up shop in a dinky alcove and had people line up in the hallways, around stairs, through doors, etc. Not exactly wise planning IMNSHO. I got there at 4pm.. which was about half an hour early since I had to sign up for individuals before 4. That's fine, seeing as I would have to sign up a team later, I got in line. Well, got in line, started filling a form, and since there were tables nicely placed in the hallway (taking up room so it was hard to go through) I parked near the closest one to the end of the line, eventually moving to the line when I had completed my form. Or so I thought. Some people went into line in front of me and it never occurred to me to tell them that the end of the line was in fact behind us (me and the people who were at the other table - maybe they thought that we were giving each other autographs on team entry forms or something?). Well it didn't bother me much. The wait did however. See, the things was supposed to start at 4:30, and the time rolled by.. the line was getting longer, and longer, and one guy, who finally went into the office, found them all sitting together or something, told them that there were people waiting, and that's when they got out and finally started. Yeesh, and was it ever slow! In previous terms, I usually went during off peak times so as to miss the rush. This term, I had a meeting at six, and class at seven, and since this was the only day of signup, I had to go. I'm glad I went early. By the time they were finished with me, it was already 5:30. Getting mighty close, had I got there at 4:30, I would have been toast.

Speaking of the class, you remember how the link was down? Well, we drove to Guelph tonight, and it had to be snowing. Boy was it snowing. I'm glad I don't have to drive in this weather too often. It's good practice, if there isn't anyone around, but at night, during rush hour, moving a van from here to there is not the smartest thing to do in a storm. Gah. And to top it off, I didn't have time to eat lunch (or dinner). Speaking of food, Magnifica told me that I could've gotten a 24 hour flu bug, which would explain why ChuckL and Hazel didn't get sick simultaneously. We'll see if HNT gets sick before I make any judgment call (and then there was one..).

Erk. Me need food. Me go eat.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:32:19 EDT

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