I took most of these pictures around the turn of the millennium. I had completed my Masters in Science at the University of Waterloo and started my first real job. A lot of stuff happened during that period, although it all went by so quickly. The pictures below only represent a fraction of the events that occurred during that time.

Sunday, May 14, 2000


Over the spring months in 2000, there was this cat that seemed to be wandering around in our neighborhood. I had come across the little feline a couple of times and it wasn't all too friendly. One day, it had wandered into our house and HNT (who affectionally named it Ai-chan) decided to adopt it. So, we had the cat in the house for about a day before HNT's brother thought it was too well groomed to be a stray and believed that the cat actually belonged to someone already. Eventually the cat was kicked out of the house. I wasn't home much during that time but I still had my camera handy, so on the rare moment when I was home with the cat around I took a picture.

That's our cat-for-the-day at the top of the stairs.

Saturday, June 17, 2000

[The Tang clan at the Queen Mother Café.]

Growly, SJ, Werdna, and I went to Toronto for the weekend to watch Growly's brother in a martial arts tournament. Once the tournament had ended (at least for us) the group (which mostly consisted of Growly's family) went to the Queen Mother Café for dinner. After ingesting copious amounts of spicy Thai food (way too spicy for my tastes, but anything with spice is too spicy), we got together for a group shot.

Front row from the left: Kim, SJ, and TT.
Back row from the left: GT, Julie?, MG, Dangerman, Me, Growly, and Werdna (sans glasses).

Sunday, June 18, 2000

[Sing your heart out Werdna!]

It was also planned that after we went to the martial arts tournament, we would all go over to Laz's place and have some sort of hot-tub/Dreamcast party. So after dinner, most of us headed up north to his humble abode and although we never did the hot-tub thing, we (after quite a few drinks - except for me of course) broke out the karaoke machine and started singing our hearts out. We even got Werdna to sing. It was fun, but I don't think I'll be doing this sort of thing again anytime soon..

SJ is watching from the couch, GT is giving Werdna moral support, while Werdna himself is blaring out the notes with microphone in hand.

Wednesday, June 21, 2000

In the summer term in 2000, the powers-that-be decided not to form a co-rec broomball league. This was a little annoying. They did, however, keep the competitive league but then we were faced with a dilemma. Normally, we would submit one competitive team (Stallions in the Desert) and then have a couple of co-rec teams; Stallions in the Desert, made up mostly of competitive team members, and Wet Cement, my team of rag-tag players.

Because competitive team players had to have a Campus Rec membership (well, so do co-rec players, but they don't really check in that league), we couldn't get as many players out as usual. We somehow scrounged up enough people to form two competitive broomball teams: Stallions in the Desert and Wet Cement. Because players can not play for more than one competitive team, I decided to play with my old team (Wet Cement). We had a good year considering that most of our players (everyone but me) were neophytes at playing competitively and/or broomball.

We had a good shot of making it to the semi-finals, but lost our quarter-final match (where I took this picture) by a score of 1-0. It was a sad loss, but a number of these people will be around next term, so hopefully there will be another chance for Wet Cement to redeem itself in the playoffs.

Front row: MSB, Me, Tiger, Grover, and ST.
Back row: PG, RP, TJ, and GM.

[Stallions in the Desert - S00 Broomball.]

The Stallions in the Desert had a game right after ours, so I hung around and took a picture of the team for old time's sake. They won their game 4-0 and eventually went all the way to win the championship.

From left to right: (Big) Jim, Bob (Mister Broomball), Chris (Wall), Riston (Captain), Mike (Pool Master), SDS (Tipper), and John (Pie Face).
Missing: Greg (Graduate).

Wednesday, June 28, 2000

[Registration line for Future Trek at Millennium Village.]

This day marks the first day of my adventure in Ottawa during an event known as Future Trek. I actually took quite a number of pictures during my six days up at the Nation's capital. However, seeing as most of the pictures I took have people posing in them that probably do not want their mugs on my site, I have decided not to post these pictures. However, I do have this picture of the people lining up to get registered for the event.

I'm not actually in this picture, but there is someone here who's wearing a CTRL-A T-shirt!

Sunday, July 2, 2000

[My Future Trek group.]

During the last full day of Future Trek, we had an event called Enviro Trek where we promoted environmental awareness and helped plant trees in Rockcliffe park. As I was not part of the Enviro Trek team, I wasn't needed to man any of the tents or displays. I was only there to plant my tree (and enjoy the weather). This involved surprisingly little back breaking work, and much of the time was spent mulling around waiting for things to happen. (Was I ever going to regret it later that day.)

This is the "Out of the Blue" group shot.

[The Vélobus.]

One of the events that was taking place during Enviro Trek was the ride on the Vélobus. The Vélobus is a 33 seat peddle vehicle (it even has a license plate!) which was used to tour around the park. This was also the same vehicle that ran over my foot when we put it away. Ah, the memories.

This is the picture of the Vélobus.

Monday, July 3, 2000

[The Future Trek KW group.]

The final day of Future Trek was particularly taxing, since I was more-or-less immobile. I relied heavily on the kindness of others to help me back home, and I was fairly amazed how differently people treat those who are handicapped. I was able to make it in one piece fortunately, and although I ended up with a severe (and stupid) injury for my time in the nation's capital, at least it's something I won't forget any time soon.

This is a group shot of the Trekkers who came from the KW area.

Saturday, October 21, 2000

[The University Friends table.]

I was invited to Growly and Sara's wedding. I could go through all of the antics and say how good it was and go on and on, but Growly has a site up that already does that! (That's where I got this picture.) So without further ado, go and see what goodies they've thrown up on their wedding site.

Front row from the left: PJ, Mediaman, Me, ?, ?.
Back row from the left: S, SC, SJ, Growly, ?, Werdna.

Tuesday, October 31, 2000

[Team Edmonton at the 2000 World Broomball Championships.]

During the week of Haloween in 2000, I went to Victoria to participate in the World Broomball Championships. Since I didn't have a team to play for, the powers that be hooked me up with the NWT mixed team. Unfortunately, they bowed out of the tournament so I was thrown in with the only remaining mixed Canadian team in the tournament: Edmonton.

They are a friendly and very outgoing bunch of people, and I was quickly welcomed as part of the team. They are a little on the rowdy side, but it makes for much more interesting stories to tell your friends and family afterwards. The team (except for a me) got pretty hammered on Halloween and decided to go out together dressed as the "Pumpkin Patch". We took quite a number of pictures before we left.

This is a picture of the "Pumpkin Patch".

Friday, November 3, 2000

[The poor lamp.]

Considering all of the ruckus on Thursday night, I was surprised to see that the light stand next to the bed was still attached, although barely. Further, despite the lamp's run-in with JD, it still worked! It was a testament of survivability for light fixtures around the world, so I decided to immortalize this moment by taking a picture of the unfortunate lamp.

This is what the lamp looked like the next day.

[View from the tourist lodge.]

After our early game on Friday, we had the rest of the day off to rest, relax, and explore the area. Someone suggested that we go out to see the salmon spawn grounds near the city, so the entire group piled into our two vans and sped off into the wilderness. I wasn't expecting much, but I was surprised at the number of fish that were clogging up the shallow creeks and streams. I was also very impressed by the size of the trees and the great view in the area. I decided to take a number of pictures. The last was from the tourist lodge at the end (beginning?) of the nature trail.

This is the view from the lodge at the spawning grounds.

Tuesday, November 7, 2000

[My new cap and Zippy's new (well, old at this point) hair.]

Soon after I got back from the World Broomball Championships, I wanted to show off my new cap and get a picture of Zippy for MJO. (Because he didn't believe me when I told him about Zippy's new haircut.) So I brought my camera to the broomball game that day and got someone to take a picture of me with Zippy. Funny enough, it took me so long to develop that roll of film that MJO had come back to town (around New Year's) and saw Zippy many moons before I was able to show him the picture. Oh well, it's the thought that counts right?

We've got me on the left and Zippy on the right.

Saturday, November 11, 2000

[Laz's new pet.]

I decided to call up Laz to find out what he was doing today. His dad picked up the phone and told me that he was in the hospital! What?!? I quickly called the hospital to confirm this outlandish possibility and found out that Laz was indeed sick. Very, very sick. So, in a burst of spontaneity, I called up people who knew him (although since my phone list is so short, this meant that I only was able to grab girl, Werdna, and KGL). Still, it was a surprise for him to see KGL and girl, and as a get well gift, we got him a pet worm so he wouldn't be so lonely digesting his yogurt. (I tried to tell him that the doctors actually found the worm in his system, but he didn't seem to believe me.)

That's Laz with his new pet worm.

Wednesday, January 3, 2001

[Only the fool's looking at the food.]

In a yearly tradition (for all of two years), MJO has come back to this side of the pond to visit friends and family during his Chirstmas/New Year's break. This year was no exception, and although he did end up visiting us after New Year's (and just after I started my job I might add), we still were able to get together and do some stuff.

From the left is me, Werdna, MJO, and louder('s gonna get ya!).

[The guys and the horizontal head.]

The last night MJO was in town, we had sushi at a restaurant near Laz's place. Mmm! Sushi. Apart from Laz and Werdna, louder was able to visit for the day. Too bad nobody else was able to come out, but that ment that there was more food for the rest of us!

From the left is Werdna, MJO, louder and Laz.

Tuesday, April 10, 2001

[Forest Hill - Broomball W01.]

Most people probably spend Tuesday nights going out for cheap food and watching a cheap movie. I on the other hand have my Tuesday nights reserved for broomball through the wintertime. This is the first year I've played with this group. Many of them have been playing broomball for about as long as I've been alive, so we've got quite a lot of experience here. The games are friendly, and the experience is fun. I plan to do this again next year. We went out for food and drinks after our last game to celebrate a very good year.

The 2000-2001 Broomball Crew.

Saturday, May 26, 2001

These pictures were taken during my mom's "surprise" party where a number of her former charges showed up to wish her a happy retirement!

[The older kids.]

Most of the older kids gathered in the living room to catch up on events. Ironically enough, despite being the older group, most of the kids who showed up were the younger siblings! (The older ones had to work.)

MT, BL, me, Stacy, DC, JL, girl.

[Recreation of a classic shot.]

Some of the visitors included some family friends from out of town. Neither of them were really baby sat by my mom, but technically the older one was (for a day I think). We've had many group shots with the four kids together, but you can never have enough right?

AE (happy), girl (happy), JK (happy), me (what am I doing here?), and MK (happy).

[Group shot of (most of) the former charges.]

At any respectable gathering, one would expect pictures to be taken, and if anybody's taking photos, a group shot is usually warranted. Well, lookie here! We were able to put all the kids together into a single shot showing off all of the babies (well, babies at the time).

MK, MT, BL, NT, AE, L, JL, DC, JS.

Friday, June 1, 2001

[Me at work.]

DP had recently bought a new digital camera and brought it to work one day. It was a pretty cool little toy (it had three megapixel resolution and could record video as well). He was demonstrating it's features and managed to catch me at my desk. I'll have to get him back for that.

That's me at my (rather messy) desk.

Sunday, September 9, 2001

[Stray Rays - F01 Ultimate.]

During the summer of 2001, I was invited to play ultimate with DWC's team in the TUC Monday night league. I had actually played with them once the year before, but I didn't get any more games in because of the World Broomball Championships. Anyway, I had so much fun playing that summer, that I played with them again in the Fall league. We didn't do all that well, but I had fun anyway. After our last game in the playoffs, we headed out to KO's place for an end-of-season BBQ dinner which is where I took this photo.

These are the Stray Rays.

Friday, November 2, 2001


Laz decided to have a Halloween party at his place this year and he invited a number of people from school and work. Despite having over a month to think about what to wear for the party, I was torn as to what to do for a costume. The suggestions thrown about during the gathering at Dangerman's place the weekend before were floating in my head, but I really wanted to dress up as a Counter-Strike character before the game lost it's popularity. Luckily enough for me, Werdna was planning to go as a counter terrorist, and that gave me the push I needed to get my "costume" together..

QYV the terrorist is on the left getting ready to plant the bomb while Werdna the counter terrorist on the right is checking the sights on his MAC-10.

[Action pose.]

The party itself was okay. I got to meet a bunch of new people, although I couldn't stay long because I had a ski swap to go to the next day. It's unfortunate that I couldn't find a group photo. I decided to drop the other pictures from the party because they were taking up a lot of space (and I was running out of comments for each) and most of these pictures can be found on Laz's site anyway.

That's me in an action pose. (Werdna was supposed to be in action mode to, but instead was in "this drink is good" mode.)

Thursday, December 27, 2001

[Christmas Dinner at Day & Night.]

After Christmas, some of girl's high school friends got together for a Chirstmas dinner and Kris Kringle. The venue was a place called "Day & Night" which (to girl's chagrin) served steaks with all-you-can-eat salad. The food was okay.

Starting on the left we have RW, TL, CC, J, and DL.

[Christmas Dinner at Day & Night.]

The decor of the restaurant was actually quite interesting. The tables were basically glass cases filled with little hangable cutouts where previous patrons have signed their names and written some sort of witty (or dull) comment. Too bad we forgot the riddle of the ring..

Starting on the left we have BL, TN, KK, girl, CL, and BW

Saturday, March 8, 2025 @ 21:27:49 EST

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