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[3:48 PM EDT - Not sure where to go..]

Umm, don't you hate it when you're given an address and you think you remembered incorrectly? I've got the number down. I'm pretty sure of that, but the name that I remember doesn't seem to jive with what I'm finding on the map.. Very, VERY annoying. Okay, let's keep checking..


[10:38 PM EDT - Searching for Bobby Fisher]

Hey, I found this link from the ShackNews interesting. What do you think? Nah.. couldn't be..


[11:39 PM EDT - Lost entry.]

Hmm, I guess I pulled another preview the entry but forgot to submit it sort of deals. No problem. This one was pretty small anyway, and it consisted mostly of a rant about how one of my scripts doesn't work (it still doesn't). I'm still not sure why it stopped working so suddenly, but I'm too tired to bother.

Today was busy. We had an ultimate game at nine this morning and I got there late. Actually, The game didn't start until after I got there so I didn't feel so bad for showing up late. The weather was fairly oppresive though. Hot, muggy, and way too sunny. Squishy came out to watch us play. Well, with the way things were going, it was more like she came out to watch us lose, but we started off well.. and eventually won 8-7.

Let me repeat that again: we WON 8-7! How amazing is that? We played awfully well in that game, and everyone was pretty happy on how things turned out. I think I injured myself in this game.. wait. Maybe not. I've got so many injuries now that I can't keep track of where I got them from. Anyway, we had lunch/snack at Tim's before heading out to the next game at half-past-noon. Considering how hot, muggy, and sunny it was at ten, playing at midday is a very poor idea. (Especially if you're not using sunscreen. Maybe I should invest in a bottle.) This game was okay, but the heat was getting to all of us. Well, it definitely got to me. I felt sluggish and slow. More sluggish and slow than usual. I ended up landing on my right elbow during a collision, so I've got two neat wounds nearly mirrored on each arm. *lifts arms* (It swelled pretty quickly, but it's pretty much back to normal now.)

We lost the game though, I think the score was 10-4, but we put up a fight. (Mind you, Squishy didn't watch this game, nor was present at any game we lost, so there may be a correlation..) We eventually lost too many players due to injury and conflicting schedules that the remaining members of the team opted not to play the third and final game. (Which really was optional since our original opponents defaulted - methinks.) So, thus ends our sucessful summer run at ultimate! We weren't last!! *cheers*

The plan was then to meet up at someone's place for a BBQ. I wanted to take a shower before going so I went home to get cleaned up and figure out how to get to the house, since I only remembered the address. Well, tried to remember the address. After dropping girl off, I broke out the map and started looking for the street. Hmm.. that's odd, it's way downtown. I remember some of the other streets that were mentioned (I listened in on the directions to the place) and started looking for them. Hmm.. downtown too. Wait.. it's nowhere near the first street. How about the third one? Hmm.. that's in Etobicoke.. something doesn't seem right here.

So, being the internet surfer I am, I fired up my computer and looked for the street on Mapquest. I confidently typed in the address, pressed go, and got: No address found. Argh! I typed in the other streets. Nope. Nada. Zilch. Zip. Argh! *pulls at hair* (Which is difficult now since it's hard to get a grip.)

Okay, no prob. Maybe I could check the captain contact information. Not very useful information. How about the phone book? Nope. My options were quickly running out. Then, I decided to go back to Mapquest and look in the general area when I thought the house should be (after hearing the directions - and forgetting them - beforehand). So I started moving around, and then.. Yes! I recognize this street name.. and this one.. and this one! And.. there it is!! *jumps for joy* A person and his internet connection can go far. *nods*

So I quickly printed out a copy of the map (and then filled in some of the streets - the streets disappeared in the printout since the colours blended in with the background) and headed out. I was the last person to get there, but there was still food, and everyone was still there. The party was good, the food was good, and there was much talk and merriment.

I stayed there until we dispersed a few hours later. When I realized that it was only seven, I decided to go to Laz's place to see if Dangerman and girl were there. I passed by the house and didn't see Dangerman's car, so I decided to head back home. At the intersection, I had my window down and was listening to the radio. Then out of the blue, I hear someone shout


<- doesn't really pay attention.

The I hear the voice again:


*blink* What the.. I look in the side mirror, and see that the car behind me was being driven by Laz! What in the world..? So I poked my head out of the window and started talking with him. Apparently, they were gathering at my place to go rollerblading! Well who would've thunk? So we headed to my place, and lo and behold, there was Dangerman's car! I was still dazed and shocked by those recent turn of events so that after standing in front of the door for a minute or two, Laz asked me:

"Don't you live here? Do you have a key?"

Oh yeah.. heh. But Laz had already rung the doorbell and the door was already being opened. So the four of us went rollerblading for an hour or so before heading back, and here I am. I don't think I'll take another shower, and it's getting late, so I should go to bed. *yawn*

Man, this was a long and tiring weekend. Well worth the effort (and pain) though! *nods*


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:28:18 EDT

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