I figured that it was time to put up a to do list for all of the things I've got planned for this site.

The changes that I have planned for this site in no particular order are:

  1. Write up list of free shirts.
  2. Write up list of Caps.
  3. Transfer flatfiles to database (separate out special entries, Dream Sequences, News Bytes, etc).
  4. Add summary to Atom feeds.
  5. Remove use of HTTP_REFERER. Use a session variable instead?
  6. Upload lyrics & stories.
  7. Remove hard coded links in data and use post link processing.
  8. Update Resume format.
  9. Clean up links.
  10. Use auto width for bodytext maybe wait until Box model for CSS3 comes out.
  11. Get tags to work on Mech XML sheets and Ajax issue with displaying HTML in text via XML, or createTextNode instead of innerHTML.
  12. Change file loads in the scripts to load one line at a time instead.
  13. Get e-mail from Hotmail (Windows Live. Mail) account.
  14. Keep Ajax info from resetting.
  15. Write down number of entries for title of calendar links.
  16. Put link around image only and not the entire div block in firefox.
  17. Change blog links to use a static page and have a javascript link to update the static information.
  18. Create page for Journal Comments list like the Journal Archives or Journal Images.
  19. Clean up special entries and vehicles.
  20. Move BattleTech stuff out of own and into QYV directory?
  21. Validate entered text for XML compliance.
  22. Set up task to back up data.
  23. Automatically update Twitter, Facebook, GTalk, MSN statuses.

Saturday, March 8, 2025 @ 21:13:18 EST

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"I have seen the future and it doesn't work."

Robert Fulford (From The Quotations Page.)