Over time, I've signed up for services on the net that also provide
you with your own web site. I generally don't use them as I have this
site, but as most of these providers require you to log in every now and
then I need to list them here lest I lose them.
- Windows Live Spaces (Microsoft)
- I have a Live Spaces account.
- hi5
- OkCupid
- Orkut (Google)
- Bebo
- Friendster
- facebook
- Linked In
- Twitter
- I also have a Twitter account.
- Hotmail (Microsoft)
- Yahoo! Mail (Yahoo!)
- Gmail (Google)
Photos and Videos
- flickr (Yahoo!)
- I have my own flickr account and a list of flickr people.
- Kodak Gallery
- There used to be a picture hosting website known as Ofoto but it was bought out by Kodak.
- Picasa (Google)
- I have my own Picasa account.
- Google Video (Google)
- YouTube (Google)
- Google Groups (Google)
- HTTP Wars
- Markham Motorcycle
- Ever since I took that motorcycle training course with RTI, I have been itching to ride on any nice day. The Markham Motorcycle forum is usually where Windelynn hangs out, so I tend to spend most of my time there, even though I have yet to go on a real ride with these guys.
- GTA Motorcycle
- Toronto RSX Club
- Toronto RSX Club Forum
- Club RSX
- Canada East - Club RSX Message Board
- Google Calendar (Google)
- UW Alimni E-Community
UW Password
- evite