Ugh, I'm still up. I ended up getting home later than expected. But badminton was good. I'm getting a lot of practice, and dinner was good, albeit late. Next week is apparently the last week for badminton, so I'm a little torn between the Ski Patrol meeting and badminton. Decisions, decisions..
Oh hey, there were two things I wanted to mention before right? Well, last night, I had a dream where I made up a song and actually sang the song, which wasn't too bad, but when I woke up, I had forgotten the tune and the lyrics. I just remembered making it up for some reason.
Oh, I also heard the trivia of the day this morning. What do two out of ten people do during their phone conversations?
I found this at the ShackNews. Apparently Naked News is going to be hitting cable TV.. Umm, but why are the costs quoted in pounds? Isn't this a Canadian thing?
Boy, this is the end of a very busy week. My how time flies, and it's still not quite over yet! Apparently there's something going on down at Dangerman's place so we might make the trek down to the west end and dance the night away? (Although those pads aren't as good as the arcade version.)
Boy is it humid out there. Where did the moisture come from? It was nice and cool this morning when I went to work, but the moment I stepped out for lunch, and WHAM, sweat started pouring out. Ick. Highly annoying.
Argh! I've got a nosebleed and this one's a gusher! Typing with one hand isn't easy, but I want to get as much done as possible..
Damn, I shouldn't blow my nose so hard and so often! *shakes fist* Curse these allergies! *shakes fist some more*
Where was I? Oh yeah, I found out the hard way this morning that cars which have their hazard lights on have their brake lights disabled (at least for the car I was driving behind). Turning lights were disabled as well methinks. Fortunately I wasn't driving that fast and was able to slow down in time.
Ick. Coagulated blood. *swallows*
Okay, I've got a call to make..
We went to Dangerman's place for a Dance Dance Revolution gettogether. Of course, he doesn't own a game system, the game, or the dance pad, but he wanted to play anyway. Fortunately, girl knew someone who actually did own a game system, the game, and a pad, and we were able to borrow it off them for the night. We needed a second pad however and picked one up at Pacific Mall. (You can find just about anything there - cheap too! Mind you, you get what you pay for as well..)
We made it to Dangerman's place and Jules was already there. She made some bubble tea for us while we set up the system and placed the mats down. The four of us ended up playing for a couple of hours before taking a little break. Growly, SJ, Laz, and Tenshi didn't arrive until ten something. Or was it later than that? Well, they were pretty late, but we still had lots of bubbles left, and the Growly brought along an extra fan, which was great since it was so hot and humid that night. No, Dangerman has no air conditioning. Do you wish to start a fund for that? Well, I went in my usual work clothes, which was dumb, since I was wearing a thick T-shirt (the one Laz gave me for Christmas), and khakis. Ugh, I was soaked in less than an hour. Fortunately, I was able to fit into Dangerman's shorts so I didn't feel uncomfortable for the entire night..
Unfortunately, because of the exertion, humidity, and crazy allergies, I got another nosebleed. It didn't last all that long though, at least I didn't notice how long it was since I was distracted by girl, Jules, and Dangerman's antics on the dance pads. Quite an entertaining sight that is.
Near the end of dancing, my feet started to hurt. Since I tended to bounce on the balls of my feet, putting any pressure near the front part of my feet started becoming quite painful, and I couldn't do so well in the later stages. I needed more breaks in between, and take it easy for the rest of the night.
We danced the night away. Well, at least until oneish when we switched to Virtua Tennis, and then DoA2. We stayed until twoish when we finally decided to leave. (Jules had left much earlier.) I had forgotten that the ultimate playoffs were the next day and nearly freaked out when I realized how late it was. Of course, that was only a fleeting thought since DoA2 took most of my concentration.
The drive home was uneventful, and I ended up going to sleep way past three. Nearly four I would hazard, but I wasn't looking at the clock.
Friday, September 07, 2001 at 07:22:01 (UTC)
Nod their head? Or maybe they ask, "Why not reduce 2 in 10 to 1 in 5?"
Friday, September 07, 2001 at 13:52:14 (UTC)
Good question. I was wondering the same thing. Anyway, it's also something that radio hosts do everytime they're on the phone.
Friday, September 07, 2001 at 14:13:53 (UTC)
Break for commercial?
Friday, September 07, 2001 at 15:41:53 (UTC)
Very interesting site. How do you find the time? Are you in Dallas? Later..
Sabra <e-mail>
Friday, September 07, 2001 at 16:16:30 (UTC)
Nope. I can't really see two out of ten people talking on the phone, and then suddenly saying. "Can you hold on for a moment? Here's a word from my sponsor."
Another clue then? I think (if I remember correctly) that there is a law stating that you have to tell the person you're doing this.
Oh, and Sabra. If you're wondering how I find the time, the answer's simple: I have no life. *hangs head*
BTW, how did you come across this site?
Friday, September 07, 2001 at 17:18:41 (UTC)
Record the other person's voice? Put the person on a speakphone? Pick their nose? Scratch their bum? Chew bubblegum?!
diamondjones <e-mail>
Friday, September 07, 2001 at 21:49:30 (UTC)
Scratch their bum? "Excuse me, but by law, I have to tell you that I'm relieving an itch on my left butt cheek." *pause* "Ahh.."
Umm, no. But the first guess is very, very close.
Friday, September 07, 2001 at 22:23:18 (UTC)
Record the conversation? As long as I can answer the phone naked, I'm good.
diamondjones <e-mail>
Sunday, September 09, 2001 at 02:22:32 (UTC)
Give this man a prize! *cheers*
Monday, September 10, 2001 at 17:46:44 (UTC)
Two out of ten (let's just say 20%, ok? I hate using these artificial, unnecessary ratios) people record the phone conversation? I don't think so. I don't know anyone who does, and I'd hazard to guess that they don't know anyone either. I haven't run into any occurances in the news of people doing this. Television shows and movies don't show it, and when they do it's usually a unique and rare case, certainly nowhere close to 20%.
So I'm guessing they're including customer service and telemarketing calls -- but then saying "20% of people" is a bit misleading, since they're including businesses in that figure.