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[1:02 AM EDT - Starting to kill a mockingbird.]

Hey, I started reading "To Kill a Mockingbird". I've been meaning to start reading some classics but never got around go getting any books. I only started reading because I found it lying on the ground and had nothing better to do. Anyway, I should finish it in a week or so.


[10:20 AM EDT - DSL Tychoon.]

Anyone want to become a DSL Tychoon? If feasable, I think it'd be a cool venture. (Of course, I thought our dearly departed network gaming idea was cool too, but that died a silent death.)


[1:49 PM EDT - Moving forms.]

Hey, I tried out a moving object similar to that on Laz's site. It took a while to get it to work in NS6, and apparently, I could probably get it to work in NS4, but I figured that if I wasn't doing anything with NS4 right now, I'll leave that for a later project.


You know, that DSL idea really sounds.. interesting. It's too bad we didn't hear about this before when we were younger and more impresionable, but I think the GOM who were interested in the network gaming idea are currently financially secure to try out a new venture? Yes? No?


[3:28 PM EDT - Why is it still up?]

I was checking up on KGL and noticed that karenluk.com is still up. You know, I'd have to assume it's a different KGL since there's no way in hell I can see KGL sitting idly by while some guy puts a page like this up for her. *shivers* I'd also like to add, that if I ever do something as foolish as that guy, please, PLEASE shoot me and put the rest of the world out of it's misery!

Oh yeah, KGL. Well, she's stressed as usual. From what I can read, it's above the "Boo" level, and probably above the "Damn" threshold, but not quite at the "F*ck" limit. Although I must add, she's thrown in "Ass" comments recently, so I'd place that below "F*ck" and above "Damn". So my guess is that she's suffering from an "Ass" level of stress right now.

Well, since I checked up on KGL, I might as well check out FlyingS.. who would've been welcome to stay at my place if he needed a bed for the night although I don't know how my parents would react if a strange boy showed up at their doorstep asking for a place to stay. (I have a bad habit of not telling my parents any plans of mine because.. well, I don't plan in advance so there's nothing to say right?)

Who else, you all know how Laz is doing, and NVM's been fairly quiet recently. Does anyone know what Greens+ is?


[3:34 PM EDT - Slow submission.]

Hmm, it seems like the submission delay is cause by the mailing portion of the script. I'm having troubles with my SMTP. It's slowed to a crwal for some reason. I'll give it a few days before I start to get worried. For now, I'll just disable my mailing subroutines.


[5:41 PM EDT - Something's missing here..]

You might find it odd that I'm updating now but when I showed up at the arena, the place was closed..

What? Was roller hockey canceled again?!? *bangs fist on table* Sure seems like it, unless they planned to start later or something. Anyway, I'll be sending off some e-mail in the near future with regard to this incident.

So, without any roller hockey, I took advantage of the extra time to fill up on gas (prices are down to 57.7 cents a litre!) and pick up some groceries. I finally got to use that new Air Miles card I received recently, so I think I've accumulated a whole two miles! *hops excitedly*

It's a start alright? Gee..

Hey, when I was heading into the mall, there was this lady that walked in with me wearing a red dress. Like one of those fancy "I'm going out to a party" type red dresses. Sure as heck grabbed my attention. Why is red such a attention grabbing colour? Hmm..

Oh well, she wasn't particularly good looking, but I did want to mention the dress. Actually, when I was picking up groceries (I'm planning on making some omlettes tomorrow) the girl at the cashier seemed pretty darned cute. Well, her high pitched voice and pigtails probably added to the effect. You know.. I wanted to ask her out for a drink. Too bad thoughts don't always translate into actions and I shuffled off after my transaction was done. (I actually went in that line because it was empty, but the one guy who was still there took so long that by the time he was finished, there was a huge lineup behind me.)

Why didn't I ask? Well, a number of factors. Her co-workers were around, like five of them, and there was a lineup, and.. argh! Okay. At least one of you should force me to go out on a limb and actually ask a cute girl who I might actually be interested in out for a drink. If it's the last thing I'll ever do.. *shakes fist*


[9:43 PM EDT - Stumped.]

Okay, this riddle has really stumped me. Does anyone have any idea what the answer is?

How we got here in You Only Live Twice
and the lies in Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Anybody? Anybody? Beuller?


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:34:40 EDT

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David T. Wolf (From The Quotations Page.)