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[9:32 AM EDT - Stubble.]

Ugh, another tired morning. What's up with that? Well, I've got the next two days to rest up. *yawns* But I guess I've got some work to do. *rubs chin* What the.. I forgot to shave! Argh! *looks around* Maybe no one will notice if I talk to them from far away.. *hunches shoulders*


[1:48 PM EDT - Injustice!]

What a great day it is out there. Sunny, cool, a tad bit windy.. just great for biking! *hops in car* Yeah, I probably should've biked today. I forgot that I didn't have to be uber early this morning, but hopefully the weather will hold out for the next few days so I can get some cycles in. Lemme see. Oh yeah, during the hotter parts of this summer, I found a nice shady spot in the parking lot next the the building where the shade happens to fill up a car width's worth of asphalt for most of the afternoon. It's not a parking spot, but I've seen people park there and I patted myself on the back for being able to keep my car shaded during some of those hot sunny days. Well, a few weeks ago, just before that huge heat wave, I was told that I shouldn't park there because it wasn't a parking spot, and that I might get towed. I grudgingly complied and parked in one of the (many) sunbaked spots at the back of the building. The next day, the spot I vacated was filled with a Beemer, and ever since then, that Beemer has clamped onto that prime parking position. Grr! It's all a consipracy I tells you! Oh hey, I just found out who drives the car. He's a nice guy, so I'm not going to complain.

One more thing, last night on the way to the ultimate game, I turned on the radio and caught the middle of a song where the artists sound like they're drunk and start saying stuff like "I lost my house, because I was high", and "I lost my job, because I was high". I wonder what the title is.


[5:55 PM EDT - Because I Got High.]

Ah ha, I found the song. (Link won't be up for long.)


[9:42 PM EDT - SPANs to the rescue!]

Erk, apparently there was some poor coding (i.e. poor copying & pasting) in the NavBar thing that was really thowing NS4 into a loop. (Darned finicky renderer.) It should look presentable now. Now I have to make sure that the frames point to the right places..

Oh hey, I'm downloading the Quake movie ATM. We'll see how good/bad it is. Considering that it's been over a week since it was released and I haven't heard a peep from anywhere (or anyone) I'm guessing that it's pretty bad. *looks* Seventy-seven percent. Another fifteen minutes to go..


[9:55 PM EDT - Why does it keep closing?]

Argh! If there is a closing tag, the NS4 renderer will close the previous tag no matter what it is! Who decided to implement that? Grr..

At least it's gotten me to clean up my code a bit. *grins sheepishly*

Dang, five percent left..


[11:24 PM EDT - Who needs frames?]

What the heck am I doing working with frames? What am I? Nuts?!? I'll be playing around with the formatting later.

Oh my, look at the time. Geez, and I barely got anything done tonight. It's the same thing with every night though. By the time I think I'm getting into something, it's already late. *sigh* Oh yeah, I checked out the Quake movie, and the concept of using a gaming engine for animated videos is interesting, but the story and actual animation itself is rather lacking. Well, considering it was Quake, I didn't expect much of a plot (if any) and the animation was fine considering the limitations of the engine itself. This project begs the question, is it possible for 3D engines to one day render movies on the fly? I've seen footage of Final Fantasy X and boy does it look good. I've yet to see the movie, but can you imagine that sort of detail in a gaming engine? Even more, could you see yourself animating your own movies at that quality level in ten year's time? Five? It's amazing how far we've come from those Tron days.. (Speaking of which, when is the sequal coming out again?)


[11:35 PM EDT - News before sleep.]

Before I go, I stopped off at the ShackNews. No wonder why I never won anything at McD's! Umm.. maybe I should go visit AgentP sometime.. To uh.. uh.. see the.. uh.. lay of the land. Yeah. Finally, this guy doesn't like computers.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:35:29 EDT

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David T. Wolf (From The Quotations Page.)