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[2:39 PM EDT - Come take a look at this!]

A casual glance at the car turned into a two hour journey to remove, repair, and replace a flat tire. Actually, the tire wasn't flat, but there was a nail that had punctured the tire. The seal was still good, but attempts to remove the nail revealed that it had indeed breached the inner wall, and so we (read, I) removed the tire, went down to Speedy to patch (plug and patch) the tire and then put it back on. Well, that wasn't so bad was it?


[2:48 PM EDT - XP huh?]

Hey, I had my first taste of Windows XP yesterday. I was trying to cut an installaiton CD and wondered why the application had such a funny background. When I realized it was the desktop, I was surprised on how.. different the feel was. I only dinked around with it a bit, but it definitely has a different feel than the Win 9x/NT/2k/ME standard. I wonder how the general public will react to it?


[Sunday, August 12, 2001: Roller Keg.]

I was actually early for roller hockey. I figured that since I was usually late and that I missed the last game (two weeks ago) because of my trip to Waterloo, that I should try to stay as long as possible. There was also the issue of DL's birthday thing which I had to go to later that night, thereby cutting short my stay at the arena. Well, hockey was good as always, although I played very poorly for some reason. We also didn't have very many people show up (I think we had twelve at one point, but nominally had eight). I'm not sure why the turnout was so low this time, but I didn't have to pay this week so I'm happy!

Dinner was at the Keg around seven-thirty. At least that's what the reservation time was, and I knew I wasn't going to make it on time if I wanted to show up smelling fresh and looking fresh. Hey, after two hours of non-stop hockey, you probably wouldn't smell all too fresh either! (Acting on the other hand..)

Anyway, I had never been to this Keg, and considering my track record for finding restaurants while driving. I should've left earlier. Anyway, I new the general location for the restaurant, and I parked in the general area. (A buck-fifty for an hour?!? Madness! Fortunately, the parking meters were only checked until nine, and I got there at eight, and I only had $1.30 worth of usable change on me..) I ended up parking a few blocks away, and kicked myself when I found out that there was parking in the building, which was free for any patrons at the dinery. (Well, next time I should remember where the building is..)

Dinner was okay. The food was pretty good except for the fact that our french onion soup was burnt (we sent it back twice, but it still tasted burnt - and had clumps of charcoal floating around in it. Something about the stock being burnt) and that their "medium" was my "rare". *looks at uncooked meat*

<- eats it anyway.

I actually did recognize most of the people at the dinner thing and Skinny Pig offered to cut my hair this summer! (Only if I was going to do the BL look.) *looks in mirror* Well, it couldn't be much worse than it is right now.. *flip*

After dinner, we called up Laz to confirm that he was going to join us downtown at the Helium (girl was able to convince Growly and Dangerman to come along as well) and remind him that the DVP was closed, we headed out. I was so tired by then (it was around eleven) that I didn't think I'd be able to make it through the night. I did take a restless nap in the car while I was waiting for something but that was it. We found parking close by, and got in line.


[Sunday, August 12, 2001: High on Helium.]

We didn't stay in line for very long. The weather ourside was nice and the people around us weren't annoying. The bouncers acted professionally and there were a few good looking girls in line with us too.. *looks around*

Just before we had our IDs checked, one of the bouncers apprached a group of guys behind us and told them that khaki's were not allowed in the club. girl deftly walked in between the bouncer and I (guess what I was wearing?) while he continued to check the group out (he also pointed out that one of them was also wearing jeans). The group eventually left the line and another bouncer came to check out our IDs. I think the guy's excuse was bullocks. He just didn't want such a large group of guys (there were about seven of them) to enter the club and came up with a excuse not to let them in. Actually, I'm not complaining since most of the people in line were females, and the ratio inside was pretty much in favour for the guys. (Especially around one part of the club, but I'll get to that later.)

After we got in (ten dollar cover for guys, girls free), we went to search for DL and his crew. A quick search through the club revealed nothing (I was just following girl so didn't really have time to look around) and we ended up back at the front. The dance area/bar was pretty much packed with people. The upper bar was still fairly open, and the lower bar with the washrooms was basically empty (and very cool).

We had a dilemma. We still hadn't found DL, and Laz and crew still had to arrive. We had tried calling DL from outside but couldn't get through, and apparently we got a message from DL, but because of the background noise, the message was indecipherable. Apparently anyone who left the bar would have to get back in line, and repay cover (not so bad for the gals, but I didn't want to pay cover again), so girl decided to go out to wait for Laz, Growly and Dangerman, while I would wait inside. At that moment, DL came by our area (down by the washrooms) so I was able to hook up with DL's crew while girl went outside.

DL looked pretty hosed and not so healthy. Something about drinking a lot will probably make you feel unwell, but this boy was one wafer-thin mint from spewing. I stuck with those guys for a while, and came across one platform where this black guy was dancing, wearing only a native american feather head thing and a loin cloth. The platform was surrounded by a mob of women, about six deep, without a male counterpart in sight. All of them had their eyes on the figure bouncing on the platform. (So that's where most of the women were.)

After going back and forth through the club (a chore considering how packed the place was and how so many more people were entering the building) we eventually ended up in the washroom area again which is where we met up with Laz's motley crew. Afterward, the group split into DL's bunch, and my bunch (Laz, Growly, Dangerman, girl and I). After hanging around at the lower bar (which had gotten packed by then) we headed up to search for DL's group, and failing that, hung around at the less packed upper bar (which was still pretty packed).

They had some guy with a video camera walking through the crowd, with a live feed to the various televisions and video projects placed strategically throughout the club. There was also a second video camera that was fixed over a beer booth where a girl was dispensing drinks while showing off her fig.. dancing moves. *stares* Actually, she did that for the entire night, and around the first last call, she must've been getting hot (it was boiling down there!) and started taking off her shirt. *jaw drops*

"She's taking off her top!"

I shouted. Nobody paid attention to me though, so I just enjoyed the (peep) show. Oh, she had a bikini top underneath. Oh well. *wink*

<- continues to watch.

Anyway, While this was going on, Laz, Growly, and Dangerman were drinking their drinks while talking, absorbing the atmosphere, checking out the scene, and so basically were just standing around. The main "reason" for their coming was to see me dance. (Pshaw right!) But there was no way I was going to dance while those three bozos were casually sipping their drinks and standing watching me, so I bided my time.

The DJ's played mostly reggae and hip hop when we first got there, but nearing the end of the night, the music became more dancy and housish. When a hip hop song came up, Growly would perk up his ears, look at me, and ask:

"Hey, you can dance to this song!"

Nuh uh. Read reason above. Once the house started flowing through the speakers (and the alcohol saturated their veins) Growly and Dangerman started bouncing to the beat. Eventually, the three of us were dancing crazy while Laz was the only holdout, doing the cool stance (tm) while the rest of us were madly flailing about. It took girl going outside, and probably some specific song (which one, I don't know) for Laz to finally start bouncing to the beat, although it didn't last all too long. (Ironically enough, girl spent most of the time trying to goad Laz into dancing but wasn't around when he finally let down his hair.)

Before girl left (and before Laz started dancing) I think it was Growly (or was it girl?) started doing some strange foot movements. I asked him what they were doing and he told me it was the "Running Man". Oh! Well, having learnt this in hip hop, I tried to teach it to the group and showed the basic steps (very simple). While this was going on, and I'm surprised nobody warned me, I felt someong grab me by the shoulder and turn me around. The next moment, there was this blond girl dancing on my leg! WTF?

[1 Comment]

[Tuesday, August 14, 2001: You want to eat Chinese huh?]

So, there I was, with this blond girl (not exactly the most attractive girl I've met.. actually I didn't find her attractive at all. Her friends on the other hand..) rubbing herself against my leg. Now this has never, NEVER ever happened to me before. Whoa, I say Whoa! (Okay Foghorn.) This is not supposed to happen! Why me? Why didn't she jump one of the other guys? Dangerman's more attractive, Laz's more cool, Growly's more approchable, and girl.. well, some guys can only hope. Anyway, I was stunned for a whole second before I figured that I might as well enjoy it.

So there I was dancing with this girl, looking around at the rest of the guys wondering if I'm the only one who thinks that something's not right here. They're not very helpful of course, laughing and cheering the heads off. So what's a guy to do? Anyway, she starts talking with me, and I try my best to hold a conversation. Unfortunately my hearing's usually very poor in noisy environments so I'm not quite sure of anything she said. So she goes down, comes back up, and points to one of the girls behind her (who's dancing with another girl) and told me that that was her girlfriend, and that why don't I go and f*ck her? What? Oh.. kay. (Methinks they're drunk.) So she motions her (rather attractive) friend to come over and talk to me. But she refuses, and this gets Alicia all miffed and she starts dancing closer to me, which get's Lindsaye to cuddle up with her girl, which..

Well, eventually I did end up getting to meet this girl, but she still refused to talk with me, so she gives me the "one moment" finger and goes to talk with her. I end up heading back to the group, just as another girl comes up to Laz and starts rubbing her hips against him! Oh la la! Then we had that bum on lap thing to which Laz laughed heartedly. Unfortunately, he didn't play along and eventually she gave up on him (he was still in his "I don't want to dance" mode) and joined the rest of the girls. Growly and Dangerman stayed off to the side to enjoy the view, especially when all of the girls started dancing together..

Growly did approach the girls to ask them where they were from (Paris, France apparently - but they didn't seem to know French) but I wasn't sure if I should go back up to the girl and try talking with her again. My indecision cost me since more guys came by to join in, but only hung around for a little while. Besides, I was still in shock and wasn't exactly in control of all of my facilities either. Well, next time, we'll see. Hopefully she'll be more attractive too. *grins*

Anyway, we didn't stay that much longer at Helium. After Laz's sudden dance spurt, last call was made, and people started filing towards the exit. We hung around for a bit before heading out ourselves (girl having left already). Afterward, we had dinner at the usual place. (I forgot the name again.) I noticed a number of well dressed parties making their way to the back of the restaurant, but that girl who sat at the table next to us.. *nods approvingly*

Anyway, sorry, I think I got off track there. But there's not much else to talk about. Not that I remember that is. We made it home around four something, and I went to bed soon after.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:24:38 EDT

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