This story from the ShackNews is interesting. (Well, not really.)
Ho boy is it ever hot and humid out there! Oi vey! Hopefully the air conditioning here won't die on us. *knocks on wood*
My wrist is still a little sore from Ascension this weekend, but I'm going to take it easy for the next week, that is, unless I end up breaking it off during Ultimate tonight. Oh boy am I going to be too tired for that. Oh yeah, I biked to work today so I don't think I'll be staying up late tonight..
I found these BBSpot links from ArsTechnica. The first is Microsoft Bundles Worm with IIS while the second is titled Judge OKs Nuclear Strike on Napster.
I didn't play ultimate today. I was too tired, it was too hot and humid, and my elbow still stings. *smarts* Yeah, I'm really tired. It's so bad that I was falling asleep at work, and I NEVER do that! I guess I did more exercise this weekend than I thought. Either that or my injuries are starting to catch up with me..