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[12:21 AM EDT - DEVLDR.]

Also known as the Devil Driver, this little application that came with the Live!Ware installation has been wreaking havoc with my system. It takes forever to load up when the system boots, and it won't shut down. Quite annoying that second aspect. There have been many times I was sitting in front of the computer for several minutes waiting for the system to shut down, but all it does is sit there. The final solution was to remove the software and keep the drivers on only, but this reduces the functionality a bit. Ah well, as long as I can still play games.. (And as long as it doesn't crash..)

Whoa, a chopper just went by the house. Well, I think it was a chopper. I only heard it, I never looked outside. Anyway, time to sleep.


[9:45 AM EDT - Get your freak on.]

Have you ever needed someone so bad?
Have you ever wanted someone you just couldn't have.

Well, I'm going to stop posting those TCD things now. I figure it's time I should stop thinking of the past and start thinking of the future huh?

Anyway, the plan for today is to do work and get things done. I can do that! *nods* I want a nap.

Oh hey, I forgot to mention something a few days ago. The city's doing some construction on McNicol and Kennedy, closing off McNicol completely on the west side. What I found funny was that they didn't also change the traffic lights to take this into account, so while I was sitting on the east side waiting to turn (obviously I couldn't go straight), the west (closed - no local traffic either) side was given an advanced green. Oh goody, I can imagine how useful that is in rush hour.

Wow, it's such a nice day out there. Fortunately the air conditioning got fixed in the computer room so I won't be sweating off any more pounds (like I need to lose more weight). Sunshine would be good for me though..


[10:21 AM EDT - In the same boat.]

Well, I've discovered that one of my tasks was a little bit bigger than anticipated, but no worries, it's a minor change still. *knocks on wood* While wondering how to go about this modification, I went around and did my usual rounds, which I really haven't been talking about much actually. Today seems like a good day however since MJO's been wondering what to do for the rest of his life (or at least for the rest of the near future - like me). Change is always good I say, although I've been wrong many times before..

FlyingS's also feeling a little down. His little programming problem isn't helping much either. (Been there, done that.) It's a relief to know that you're not the root of the problem, but infuriating not to know what the problem is! Cheer up buddy boy! It could be worse! *slaps FlyingS on back*

Umm, other stuff includes KGL's birthday weekend. I never would've thought that she'd drink so much so often for so long. She's like some Englishmen I know. (Of course, they can actually hold their liquor.) Finally, NVM's talking about pr0n again.

Oh hey, I've been having troubles checking out Laz's site. It's probably the Roger's fault. I was having connection problems yesterday as well. (Notice the huge gap in entry time.)


[10:44 AM EDT - Baton Rouge.]

I nearly forgot about this. I was talking with PL about Montreal and the topic of the Bar B Barn came up. He told me that there was a restaurant called Baton Rouge in the Toronto area that I should check out if I wanted to try good ribs. He said that they were probably better than the Bar B Barn (and he's been to the BBB too!).

Hmm, I just found a review which agrees with the rib assessment, but doesn't say much good stuff about anything else.

I guess I'll scope the place out before I take someone out to it.


[3:27 PM EDT - It was the best of times..]

I was thinking about our generation, how it's been so sheltered from the horrors of war and destruction. Oh yes, we've seen the battles and chaos on the news or in documentaries (or in the movies), but it's nothing compared to actually being in the middle of a warzone. The last major war that evoked mobilization of the continent was World War II, and it redefined the word "destruction". (The Gulf War, Vietnam War, Korean War were just skirmishes in comparison, and did not fire up the population as did WWII.) No time before, and none since has the world ever been so scorched, so abused, so ravaged by the anger of mankind. Most of continental Europe was left in ruins, Japan was left in cinders, nor were China or it's neighbors spared the wrath of violence. It also did something else: It brought war to the people. In previous centuries, warfare had become more formalized, with battles taking place in localized areas, usually away from populated zones. But of course, how could you fight in a city and expect a decisive victory without a lot of effort? Sieges were common since the ancient times, but the tactic was to starve the city/fort into submission, not beat them to a pulp. (Since usually you want to take over the city, not destroy it.)

In World War II, civilians became targets. Whether it was the Holocaust, the Reign of Terror, the Rape of Nanking, the people were not spared. One could not escape the all encompassing reach of the war, be it from the bombers that flattened the cities, the armor that pummeled the countryside, or the soldiers themselves that went through every house on every street in every city, you could not hide the fact that you were part of it.

It's weird. I can imagine myself there, but not feel it. If I'm lucky, I'll never have to. But there are many others who are not as lucky. People in Somalia, East Timor, Isreal/Palestine, Yugoslavia, the wars go on, but not here. It's funny how media these days glorify violence and war. I have no problems with that, as long as the people who watch and play with this stuff know the price that war comes with. It's not the ten dollars you plunk down to be entertained by it, or fifty dollars you spend so that you can make it.

It's funny, that there are so many movies and documentaries about the battles and the politics during WWII, but very little about the time in between wars. The economy in Europe was non-existant, the infrastructure was destroyed, the people were homeless, and there was no food. Despite the war being over, people were still suffering, and they suffered for many more years.

I guess I went off on a little tangent there. I had other things to say, but I should get going. I do want to see though. I want to see the destruction for myself, to be in the middle of a war, to feel.. everything. Just once. Once is enough. Once to know what it's like, and to know that I would not wish it upon anyone else.


[6:43 PM EDT - Back to the bank.]

I went to the bank to pay off my Visa bill and update my books. I got there a little later than anticipated because I got held up at work. (Seems like I was able to point out the problem.) When I entered the bank, I noticed that one of the tellers was kind of cute, I took a glance, and didn't bother about it, but just as I stepped into line, the line disappeared, and the next teller available was.. her! That must've been such a weird coincidence because when I got up to her, she asked me why I was so happy. I gave a really dumb response about paying off my bills, and then she started talking with me. Well, after learning my lesson from last time, I started talking back. Well, the transaction went pretty quickly, but as I was leaving, she said: "Bye [QYV]!"

Okay, maybe she does that to all of her customers. Maybe I should find something to deposit tomorrow huh? =)


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:36:05 EDT

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Will Rogers (From The Quotations Page.)