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[9:35 AM EDT - We're going to eat pizza.]

Hey, I just heard on the radio that some guy just won a trip to Ibiza, Spain. Apparently, his name was drawn in a ballot and he had to call the radio station within an hour to claim the prize. At half-past eight, his friends called in to tell the station that the guy was actually taking a vacation and was out in Edmonton, Alberta. Just a few seconds after nine (he had to call in by 9:02) he called in from Jasper, Alberta and was able to claim his prize. Good grief!

Some guys have all the luck..

Anyway, I just realized that I forgot to shave. *rubs stubble* This is going to be a good day..


[10:23 AM EDT - Feeling independant?]

Well, those crazy Americans are taking the day off today to watch fireworks and stuff while we Canadians are stuck up here working our butts off! (Okay, so we did have a long weekend..)

Hmm, I'm not sure what I want to do right now.


[11:00 AM EDT - Looking for a loose end.]

I guess it's time to tie up a loose end. I've been meaning to do this for a while, but really didn't have any.. need to. But I guess we've all got to air out our closets every now and then huh?


[2:32 PM EDT - Life lesson learned.]

I went out into the rain to pick up lunch this afternoon. I probably should've went later (the rain stopped when I got out of the restaurant) but that's not the point. While I was standing in line for my food, a couple of attractive ladies walked in line next to me. I could've sworn that one was looking at me funny, but I didn't make any note of it at that time (besides, I was ordering three subs and the guy who was taking my order was greener than the green peppers he was putting on my sub). As I was paying for my food, one of the ladies (the blonde) inqured:

"You didn't take all of the good cookies did you?"

Uhh.. er.. umm.. well.. *hangs head* Yes.

She got a chuckle out of that one. I then picked up my stuff and headed out. As I entered the car, it dawned on me: If an attractive woman is trying to make conversation, then TALK to her! Argh! I'm such a doofus! *smacks forehead*


[4:13 PM EDT - Air Miles.]

Hey, I finally got around to ordering my Air Miles card. I kept forgetting about it and everytime I remembered, I was not really in a position to check it out. Anyway, I've signed up, so all I have to do now is to wait..


[9:34 PM EDT - A few loose ends.]

Hmm, I think I can clean up a few loose ends this weekend. We'll see if I can actually get around to tying them up or if I'll leave them frayed forever..


[9:53 PM EDT - Bank, Ambulence, Moose, Steam.]

Hey, I found this link about the brain functioning after death interesting. (Found at the ShackNews of course.)

Anyway, I ended up working a little later than usual today. I wanted to get a new build out today and spent some time cleaning up the code before shipping it off. Ugh. But that wasn't that much of a problem.

I decided to go to the bank to pad my funds and deposit my paycheque. Bad move. I got to the bank ahead of the (rather nasty) storm and got in line to talk to a representative. (I forgot what they're called.) So I waited, and waited. *watches storm pass* *sees rainbow* *sees another storm approach* There were only a couple of people ahead of me, but I waited for over an hour-and-a-half to get in. All of that wait for a five minute chat to transfer funds! Argh! *tugs at hair*

It wouldn't have been so bad, but I had forgotten that I was supposed to go and help steam vacuum my grandma's place. I got home and was told that people had already left to go to help. Erk. *hops back in car*

Well, I wasn't THAT late. I did end up doing most of the vacuuming anyway. Man, those steam vacuums really suck! (Ha ha.. okay I'll stop.) For my (not very) hard work, my grandma made me dinner. Yummy! *rubs tummy*

Now I'm back, but I have to go..


[10:21 PM EDT - I forgot the moose.]

Oh heh, I forgot to mention the moose, or the ambulence at that. Anyway, on the way back home from the bank, I saw a fire truck parked in front of one of the houses down the street from mine. There was also an ambulence there. I didn't see anything out of the ordinary, well, apart from the emergency vehicles parked on the street, so I went home. On the way out, I saw a police cruiser pull up to the house, and some paramedics wheeling someone out on a stretcher. I didn't have time to nose around so I'm not quite sure what happened.

About the moose, there were three of those Toronto moose standing in a row in front of one of the buildings I passed by. What's up with that?

Also, I've noticed that KGL's gone from saying "boo" to "damn" to "F*CK". Stress levels.. rising?


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:35:56 EDT

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Aristotle (From The Quotations Page.)