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[9:55 AM EDT - When you get it is not when it was sent.]

Oops, I thought there was a going away party today. Apparently, it was yesterday. *looks at message* Argh! I read the message yesterday, and it said that the party was tomorrow, but it was actually sent the day before, so the party was actually yesterday! Curses! *shakes fist*

Ah well, I guess I'll have a bit more time to do stuff tonight..


[12:24 PM EDT - Messenger.]

I've installed messenger on my laptop. Remind me to keep it off all the time. Boy that thing can really waste time.


[1:49 PM EDT - Colonial eh?]

I was talking on the phone with an Englishman and he told me that I had a wonderful colonial accent.

Colonial accent eh? Whatever.

Since I'm on the topic of phones, I received a call this afternoon (while eating lunch) but there was silence on the other line. I was about to say something when the sweetest voice asked me if she could talk to DP. Oh my lord, if people's beauty was based on the sound of your voice alone, she'd be the prettiest angel you'd ever find. *swoons* Man that was a nice voice. You think I'm lying? DP agrees with me totally! *nods*


[5:50 PM EDT - More changes required.]

Eep! I completely forgot that I had some captions to write for some pictures I have. I still have to get my (nearly) two rolls of film developed, although I think I'll do that after this weekend. I figure I'll be taking a number of pictures at the show (and other places) since I don't know when the next time I'll be in town.

What will I do afterward? Well, hopefully I'll have resolved a number of issues. I just found out some things so I've got a bit of food purchasing to do.. *makes face*


[9:36 PM EDT - The friend zone.]

What..? You mean I've been doing this all wrong?!? *shakes fist*


[9:45 PM EDT - Just after I installed it too..]

Geez, after I installed the MSN Messenger Service, the whole thing goes kaplooey. What's up with that?

Well, maybe it's the firewall, but it should still connect..


[10:03 PM EDT - Weekend backup.]

Hmm, it's getting to that time of the year. I need to back up all of my stuff again. I should have some spare time this weekend backup all of my systems. *looks around* It shouldn't take too long right?


[10:20 PM EDT - More links.]

Okay, ShackNews stuff now. This is just another possible reason why I want to learn to drive stick. Speaking of sticks, weiners actually, some kid ate fifty in twelve minutes!

Hmm, what else.. Laz is finished with his photo site, while I got quoted on KGL's site! *beams* Maybe I should talk about her more often. *thinks* Nah. FlyingS's still sick. Poor kid, although I read this:

I've lost my voice, so I shouldn't keep talking.

And wondered if it was more than his throat that's a little sore. (Maybe he was dictating?) Finally, NVM wants to know what an Orc is. I know just about any of you guys can.


[11:34 PM EDT - Everything's set.]

So I guess everything's ready to go. Things seem to be scheduled for tomorrow, but you never know when Murphy will show..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:38:17 EDT

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"The opposite of the religious fanatic is not the fanatical atheist but the gentle cynic who cares not whether there is a god or not."

Eric Hoffer (From The Quotations Page.)