Argh! I lost my last entry. Darned refreshing pages. Anyway, I knew someone who was in the dot com business. I wonder how he's doing. I hope he's doing better than some of these guys. While I'm here, I just like to say that Microsoft has (Oops) done it again.
Ugh. You think things are starting to calm down, and then the pipe gets filled again. *sigh*
It's supposed to be bad weatherwise this afternoon. *looks outside* I guess I'll be staying in tonight! (Of course, that won't be different from most nights.)
Hey, I noticed that some people have been updating while I was doing stuff. Laz and KGL both have weekend updates, and both are planning to revamp their sites while NVM's got a thing for Angel. Erm, had a thing for an Angel look-a-like actually.
Oh boy, I wonder how effective this is going to be..
Oh my is it ever windy today. *grabs onto pole* It's definitely not a good day to fly a kite, unless you were three hundred pounds and could keep a stampedeing bull at bay. Despite the wind, the weather is still quite hot and humid. It's not as bad as it was last week, but I would still rather have cooler temperatures. Let me see now.. I think I forgot what I wanted to say. Gee. Okay then, back to work.
Where has the time gone? Man, playing games does suck up a lot of time doesn't it? Once I get my pictures developed, hopefully I'll be able to throw up that baby party page I had up before (with some minor modifications). Then I have to fix the links and the songs, and.. well, it's a never ending project I say.
Argh. Deus Ex crashed my system yet again. What's up with that? I basically turned off all the detail. *sigh*
I guess I'll be going to sleep early today. *yawn* Must find something to do on the weekdays.. *ponders*
Tuesday, June 19, 2001 at 15:25:34 (UTC)
Ah..my bullshit-detector is still working well!
Here's what basically amounts to a retraction by Salon on the homeless dot-commer who used to make 6 figures.
This anecdote-disguised-as-journalism set off my detector because why would somebody with enough qualifications (skills, knowledge, experience) in tech to earn 6 figures sink so low? He could at least have had the foresight to move out of state and take up a menial IT job that could've kept him off the street, regardless of economic conditions. This isn't freakin' post-Perestroika Russia, fer cryin' out loud, where former rocket scientists sweep the streets of Vladivostok! *snort*
Although people DO like to hear about such stories... "How the Mighty Have Fallen", you know?
reg_at_verk <e-mail>
Tuesday, June 19, 2001 at 15:33:40 (UTC)
Curse my gullibility! *shakes fist*