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[9:44 AM EDT - Emotional Eric.]

Hee hee. This is great. I got this link from girl just now.


[9:56 AM EDT - Flemingdon Cricket 1.]

Just have to remind myself where the ultimate field is. Hopefully I'll be able to play today. I'm still sore from the weekend and I've still got badminton this week! (Yeah, yeah, I don't have to go. I know.)

I am tired though. I need a bit more sleep.. *yawns*


[11:59 AM EDT - My mug.]

Erk, I had misplaced by mug outside of my office over the weekend. I'm surprised that I had left it out there, but in the rush to get to the bank on Friday I guess I completely forgot about it. *looks in to make sure nobody put any garbage in it*

Speaking of mugs, DP got himself a new digital camera and demonstrated it for me on Friday by taking my picture. This morning, I noticed my mug on our internal homepage! Ack! *puts up tape to cover spot on screen*


[2:38 PM EDT - Teaser.]

Here's an interesting teaser JD gave me a couple of weeks ago.

Change "I O I O I O" to nine-fifty using only a single straight line.

Hmm.. this question doesn't translate too well into the printed text, but it'll have to do.


[11:29 PM EDT - Too much.. too fast.]

Ugh, never eat food when you're too hungry and too tired. I ended up stuffing myself like a thanksgiving turkey. *blorp*

Anyway, I went to ultimate this afternoon. I did a quick scan of the map for the field that we were playing in (I thought it was number one) so I rushed off down there after work. I got snagged in traffic along the way but as I passed by the park (yes, I missed the exit) I saw some people in orange shirts throwing the disc around so I knew I had come to the right place. It took me ten minutes to get out of traffic and come back to park. After I got out and headed towards the group, I realized that I didn't recognize anyone. That wasn't a good sign. I looked around the rest of the field and saw that it was packed with people. Most of whom were kids playing soccer (some sort of league thing going on). I wandered around a bit to find someone who I recognized before going back to the orange shirted group to ask who they were. They were not the ultimate players I was looking for. Also, they didn't know where my team was. Goody.

I went on a mission to find my team, so I wandered through the park, around the marked off fields of kids and their coaches hoping that I didn't come to the wrong place. I wandered around for ten minutes before I caught the familiar sight of DWC. By then I had traversed the entire length of the park. Too bad I left my stuff in the car! Doh!

It took me ten minutes to hustle to the car and back, and by then I had found out that we had already "won" again!

I say "won" because it was by default. I say again because apparently we won by default last week as well! (Nobody told me that!) *sigh* At least we got in some good practice. *shows off grass stains on jeans*

I hurried back home after the game. Well, scrimmage, got changed and headed out to badminton to play for an hour. Boy do I play bad when I'm tired. That birdie can be pretty hard to hit ya know! *swings* *misses*

Now I'm full, I'm cleaned up, and I'm ready to hit the sack. I might even just fall a..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:22:53 EDT

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