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[10:01 AM EDT - Friday eh?]

Hey, it's already the end of the week. In fact, it's already a new month! I can't believe it's June already. I feel like I just started this job just yesterday! Well, maybe not just yesterday, maybe last week.. or last month, but not five months ago!

Wow, five months and so much has changed.. *pause*

Waitaminute, nothing has changed! *thinks some more* Yeah! I don't think anything's changed. Man that's depressing. Five months.. and as Laz would say, "What dew eye have two chauffer it?"


[10:17 AM EDT - Well intentioned but stupid.]

Hey, I found a couple of virus hoax links from this editorial on ZDNet. I also noticed that Laz has been watching a lot of anime recently. (He might even catch up with me! Pshaw right.) KGL's making a couple of vows.. I mean VOWs. Hmm, speaking of money, I've got a cheque to deposit. Time to beef up that "I made it big" fund..


[6:37 PM EDT - More than meets the eye.]

Ooh, tons of work to do. Things are really starting to pick up.

Anyway, I headed to the bank after work. On the way there, I saw a red truck (with a grey trailer) turning onto my street and the first thing that leapt into my mind was: "Optimus Prime"! I stared at the truck as it sped away, half expecting it to transform once it went out of sight.

Well, it's pretty darned wet today. I doubt we'll have roller hockey tonight, but we'll see what's on TV..


[Saturday, June 2, 2001: More than Just Dessert.]

I went out to watch the Iron Chef special tonight. Unfortunately, girl had taken the car out to do.. something. (I never found out what.) So I needed to get a ride from my dad. (How highschool!) Due to some communication problems (poor reception/battery power) the address I was given didn't quite exist. It didn't help that all of the maps that I had on hand were out of date (who would've thunk that the city could change so much in ten years?) and mapquest came up with bupkus.

Not finding the address in the maps didn't bother me that much, but not finding it on mapquest meant that either I didn't have the right address, or it didn't exist. (Or both I guess.) That didn't bode all too well with me, but I figured that I knew the general area, so I would take it like a man and head down to the (general) predetermined location and hope I'd find something.

So I went. I had considered biking down (since I did have time - except that I had to wash dishes) but it was still pissing outside so I scratched that method.

So I got down to where I guessed the place would be, and I realized that the address that I had written down (which was spelled out to me) was incorrect! It was off by a letter!! (The first one too.) Argh! After that, finding the place was pretty easy. So I thought. I rung the doorbell. There was no answer.

QYV thinks . o O ( You know, this place looks kind of dark.. )

I continued to ring the doorbell. I continued to wait. The rain started to pick up again. (Goody.) I looked at the address again. Did I get the wrong one? Argh! It was times like these that it would've been nice to have a cell phone.

So what could I do? I waited. Minutes passed. More minutes passed. I began to worry that some neighbor might think that I looked a little too suspicious and call the cops. (It's the hair I tell you!)

Fortunately, I only waited fifteen odd minutes before help arrived. (Okay, so I also ended up going down early. Blame it on my driver.) I was told that the plans went awry and we had to pick up the keys. (We did? Goody.) So we left to pick up the keys so that we could get in the place so that we could watch TV. (You know, I DO have a TV at my place..)

Ah well, it ended up working out in the end. The battle was fairly interesting (the dragon looked a bit nasty though) and we went out for dessert afterward.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:31:21 EDT

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Aristotle (From The Quotations Page.)