*sigh* I broke my watch last night. I dropped it on the (concrete) ground when I was changing after badminton and I ended up knocking off a whole bunch of pieces from the clock face. Now it looks like one of those kid's puzzles where you have to jiggle the thing to get all of the balls in the right slots. *sigh* That's.. what? Four in as many years? I'm not particularly good with watches it seems (and why do I always end up dropping them on hard floors?).
Oh, it seems as if weirDo was mistaken about the poster thing from yesterday. He read too much into the sample abstract.
Let's see, what else. I'm awfully tired again today. I don't know why. I could've sworn that I went to bed at a respectable time. (Although I may not have fallen asleep at a respectable time.)
Oh yeah, it's been a while, but I'll post this trivia question:
What do 97% of married women have in common?i
It's something to keep in mind for all of you single kids out there.
Drat. I should stop listening to forecasts. Last time I heard, it was supposed to be cloudy and wet this afternoon. *looks outside* Looks like blue skies to me. Quite mild as well I might add. *grumbles*
<- wanted to go biking.
Ah well, at least I have badminton to fall back on.
I just added another thing to make my life easier on this site. Testing it out now.
I caught the last half of the Star Trek: Voyager season finale after badminton. Eh, lots of neato effects. (But still doesn't compare to "Severed Dreams".)
Uhh.. not much to say on this front. I've actually started to learn how to play badminton properly. Too bad it's the second last week for it. I'll be spending the next three months forgetting what I learned in the past nine!
(Ah, just like school.)
Did I forget something? I always seem to be forgetting something nowadays. Ah well, maybe I'll figure it out later.