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[10:56 AM EDT - Whenever I fall at your feet..]

You know, it hasn't started raining out there yet. *looks outside* I guess it doesn't really matter, since my activities for today will be indoors. Man, it's kind of early still. I couldn't sleep in today. I've been getting up early recently. (Well, early for me that is.)

What will I do with all of this time? *looks at incomplete Forum* Okay, what unproductive thing can I do? *looks at Counter-Strike* Okay.. what semi-productive thing can I do with this time? Ah ha.. I think I stumped myself there..


[11:22 AM EDT - Semi-productive.]

I figured that I might as well work on this site. I've changed the site map to make it a bit more readable, and it still works in Lynx! How about that? It's funny how many things you can find yourself "improving" even though you thought that it was complete already. Much like a resume that is never truely finished (until you die I guess, but by then you wouldn't really care) some things are always ongoing projects. (Like the ever leaky fauct.)


[11:48 AM EDT - The hitchiker has left the galaxy..]

Hey, I just got word from FlyingS that Douglas Adams passed away yesterday.


[11:11 PM EDT - Hip hop shoulder hockey.]

Man, hip hop was tiring today. Maybe it was the routine. Maybe it was the jeans. I'm not quite sure, but I was beat afterward. I also let someone try out the white grape juice that I brought along. The taste tester took a sip and said that it tasted like apple juice. I thought, "Naw, couldn't be.." but after taking a sip myself I thought "You know, it DOES taste like apple juice.."

You know what? Now I don't really want to drink that stuff anymore. Ick.

I had roller hockey afterward. We rented a rink this time so I headed off to Milliken to play.. but when I got there, I had second thoughts.. maybe it was at Malvern? (I forgot to bring the directions along before hip hop but I was so sure as to the location before..) Anyway, a little indecision goes a long way, so I ended up going back home to grab the directions. Yup, Milliken. *sigh* I went back to the community centre and got to the rink a good half-an-hour late.

We had booked the rink from four to seven so we would get quite a bit of playing time in. A lot of people showed up however (I'd say nearly thirty) so we had a lot of fresh legs, until we went over time (they didn't kick us off until eight) at which point, fresh legs were very hard to come by. I netted two goals, a cheap one, and a lucky one, but the story of the day was this one girl who showed up who kept crashing into everybody, including me! While I was fishing the ball off the boards behind me (and thus not looking forward) I felt an immense force pushing me back. I had actually collided with the girl (my shoulder on her cheek) although I seemed to get the worst of it (oddly enough). *rubs sore shoulder*

Actually she ended up hitting half of the players on our team, and she seemed fine afterward! (Odd, very odd.)

I went out to dinner with the group afterward before heading back home and working on this page. Now, I think it's time to go and crash. *rubs still sore shoulder*


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:29:26 EDT

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