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[1:40 PM EDT - (Another) shoe shelf.]

I was pulled away from an intensive battle on Dust (there thirty-two people on the map, holy carnage Batman!) so that I could put together a shoe shelf. It seems as if my new pair of sneakers tipped the shoe balance in favor of chaos and my mom wanted to restore order. (I think having less shoes would do that too.. but what do I know about shoes?)

I spent the rest of the morning and some time after lunch putting together the Ikea style contraption (which was purchased from Canadian Tire - Ikea's too expensive). Actually, putting together the shoe shelf wasn't hard at all. It was downright easy. The hard part was finding a hammer. My dad has a whole slew of tools in the basement neatly (to him maybe) arranged in their naturally messy positions. I found screws, drivers, wrenches of all kinds, knives, soldering equipment, drills, power tools, lights, fuses, pliers, clippers, gadgets, gauges, batteries, just about anything you can ask for.

But there was no hammer. I checked the work bench. Nada. The (many) shelves. Zip. The filing cabinets. Zilch. The boxes lying around on the floor. Zero. I came up with bupkus for a half-hour down there wondering what the heck I was going to do to drive in some nails. (I started using the screwdriver, but realized that it would probably not be a good thing for that tool.)

Eventually I found what looked like the handle of a hammer sticking out from a pile of.. stuff. pulling on it, I noticed that it was indeed a hammer, and it was also the strangest place to keep one lying around (under miscellaneous). Dang, what a waste of time. Maybe I should learn Iron Palms so that I could drive in those nails in by hand.. *muses*


[2:13 PM EDT - glTron.]

Hey wow, I found this site via the ShackNews and it's a pretty fun game. Okay, it's a glorified version of snakes, or whatever game you first played it as, but Tron was definitely the first time I thought "Wow, this game can actually be cool!"

Oh boy, I also found this on the ShackNews. The finger pointing goes on and on.. Oh, and you read that right: Multi-billion dollar lawsuit. (Oh no, it's not for the money..)


[2:45 PM EDT - Aurora Borealis.]

With the sun hitting the peak of it's 11 year cycle, we should be getting a number of really good auroras in the months ahead. I have never seen one myself, and I've always wanted to go out into the country to spend a night watching the sky. I still remember watching for falling stars at OC's house down in Maryland (or Virginia I can't remember). *remenisces*

Anyway, to help me along in my quest, I found a page from the Star which shows aurora activity. I can't wait!


[7:30 PM EDT - Hazy, lazy, crazy days of spring..]

I had not been outside until I went out for hip hop this afternoon. I threw on my jacket and grabbed my sunglasses as usual and tried on my new sneakers. The usual was a poor choice. I don't know what the temperature was, but jackets were a bad idea! In fact, long sleeved shirts were a bad idea as well!

<- melts in sweltering heat.

Okay, so it wasn't THAT hot, but the termperature must've been in the low- or mid-twenties. For what I was used to, it's a difference of heat wave proportions! This proved to be disaterous when we did start hip hop. My combination of dark green (long sleeved) shirt, khakis, and new (very sticky) shoes made today's lesson very tough and wet. *looks at sweat soaked shirt* I wonder if anyone else noticed the dark blotches? *hides in corner*

Okay, I've got to write down these moves.. let's see if I can remember the convention..


[7:56 PM EDT - My thoughts.]

I came across that link to the lawsuit against game companies again, and thought about the topic of kids killing kids. Perhaps, in a perfect world without violence in the media, or violence in our games, or violence in our lives, there wouldn't be any violence in this world, but violence is a part of our society, and we have to live and deal with it.

But one thing that stuck in my mind was that the two Columbine kids were outcasts, ostrasized by their peers and shunned by their classmates. Even if violence wasn't in their minds, during these times of emotional fragility (I'm talking about adolesence) this type of environment will nodoubtedly hurt the child's self-esteem, leading (usually) to depression. Who the heck hasn't been depressed before? Raise your hand so I can club you back to reality. Why were you depressed? Have you ever felt the sting of being unwanted by those around you? Wouldn't you want to lash out at those who ridicule you?

Most of us are adults now (leagally at least), so we have learned to handle these types of emotions, and these sorts of situations. But the younger you are, the harder it is to control those emotions. Now I wonder, if those two kids were accepted into the fabric of the school society, would they have gone on that shooting rampage?

What the.. time to eat? Geez, just when I was getting into this.

So my point is, what is with all of this finger pointing? Is it the media's fault for throwing violence into our daily routine? Is it the NRA's fault for wanting to put a gun in the hand of every man, woman, or child? Or is it our fault for not accepting those that are different?

I plead guilty.


[10:28 PM EDT - Old mail.]

I was going through my pictures looking for an old photograph and came across my stash of old mail. You know, it's kind of strange going through my mail because..

Well, a lot of these people I haven't talked to in a long time. i'm always curious as to what they've been up to all of these years. (Years? Dear lord!) I think I've responded to everyone. I usually don't respond unless someone sends me something (or I'm supposed to send that person something) so communication breaks down if a letter gets lost or misplaced (which has happened) or hidden (which has also happened).

That's why I like e-mail so much. E-mail can still be lost, but everything is tracked, and resending is as easy as a press of a button..

You know what? I'm going to look for someone right now.


[11:21 PM EDT - No luck.]

Nope. No luck. I can't find that person. Too bad this person's name can also mean other things.. (darned foreign languages!) This is depressing. I wonder if I'll ever talk to any of these people again?


On second thought, do I really want to talk to these people again?

For those of you wondering, my project is going on at a good clip. I've improved somewhat, so I don't know if I'll try it again from the beginning or just go with what I have. *checks* Hmm.. I do have enough for another try.. I think. I think some research is in order..

Well, I think it's time for me to go to sleep.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:36:10 EDT

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Will Rogers (From The Quotations Page.)