I need sleep. Today, well yesterday, was pretty busy.
Dang I'm tired. Tired and hungry.
Hey hey! I finally was able to get Soldier of Fortune to work on my system. Apparently, by updating to version 1.06 (the Gold version) the sound problems I was experiencing disappeared. I guess there was some sort of driver incompatability with the original version of the game. Anyway, I've been playing with it and it doesn't seem too bad.
I also was able to dig up some info on the Toyota Prius. At thirty grand a pop, this thing ain't cheap! (For what you get.) At least it seats more than the Insight and has more space. (girl would be interested to hear that.)
I've got a dinner party thing to go to tonight. It's casual, which is good, although I don't think I would've dressed any differently if it was formal. *looks around* Umm.. I've got some chores to do, but there are people around, so I doubt that they'd like the sound of a vacuum cleaner cutting through their conversation. I'll wait until they leave..
Oh boy, I had nearly forgotten the three dreams I had this past weekend. One was about me being some sort of spy/espionage guy, then another where I was doing some school thing, running around some residence/college down in the states, and the last one was about..
I can't remember. But they were all wierd, and pretty screwed up. I probably won't go into details.