Hey, I just got back from the last broomball game this season. Ahh, I'll miss sprawling myself on the ice for an hour a week. Oh well, the season starts up again in October!
I found a link to a possible Counter Strike movie people were making. Uh oh, if it's anything like the upcoming Quake movie.. Anyway, here's a link to their trailers. I had problems unzipping them. Maybe you guys will have better luck?
I found a link on the ShackNews to a story about some woman who had a worm in her brain from eating a taco. Ick.
Finally, I had to say something about this. The latest version of the song "Voulez-vous coucher avec moi" is being played an awful lot on the radio these days. What is it? The second remake? Third? Oh boy. I guess some songs die hard.
Before I go, I checked up on some people and noticed that FlyingS has been busy on his own site as well as Clone*Army. You may want to see what he's been up to. Laz and KGL also have stuff up as well.
The weather outside looks a little somber, and I'm still suffering from the sniffles.
At least I'll be able to relax tonight. I've also got that thing I have to work on. Hopefully I'll be finished in a week or so. (Then I can start making a really cool one!)
That's about it I guess. I think I wanted to say something, but I want to take a nap..
Wow, I have now changed cwork omputers in as many weeks this past month. Boy was that a lot of installing or what?
<- installing ATM.
Hey, I was checking news on the ShackNews and came across this interesting tidbit about Yahoo selling pornography to counter-balance it's dropping ad revenues. The other interesting tidbit may be interesting to Werdna because some guy changed his name to Tomer.com.
Oh yeah! I nearly forgot. I have to go to work early tomorrow so I should go to bed soon. *looks at clock*
Hey, I've been playing around with these CD-RWs. They seem to be working pretty well, I'm quite happy with the results! Now all I have to do is grab an IDE cable and close up my computer..