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[9:11 AM EST - Up and atom!]

Boy I'm up early for a Saturday. I'm going to give those computer guys a call to find out if I can pick up my new box or not.

<- itching to get it up and running.

There's stuff up from Laz, KGL, and NVM, but apart from that, not all too much happening on this end.


[11:04 AM EST - System's ready.]

Hey, I just got a call from the store. My new computer's ready for pickup. Okay, I've got a lot to do today, so scheduling is definitely required. Let's see now.. lunch, pick up box, volleyball, shower, dinner, show. *calculates time* Yes, I think I can fit it all in..

This time I'll try to remember the pledge form..


[Saturday, April 7, 2001: Anna.. something.]

I figure it's high time that I finally throw up these notes before I forget all of the details! There was a beach volleyball game scheduled for that day, as well as a dinner and dance thing that I wanted to go later that night. Since I wanted to pick up my new computer (from Etobicoke), I had this plan forming in my head: I would leave the house after lunch (at noon) and go down to pick up the new system after the store opens (at ten). I would then head through the city and make it to the beach volleyball place and go play volleyball (in East York) at one, go home after the game finished (around three) and confirm dinner plans (at four-thirty) after I shower, and then head down to the station and take the subway downtown (and arrive before six) so that we could eat and make it to the seven-thirty show..

Dang, plans are great to make you feel at ease, but that's about it. I did get to pick up my computer without a hitch, but on the way to the courts, after a scenic drive through the west end (including a Calvin Klein ad on the Gardener that could cause traffice accidents), I got stuck in a large traffic jam on the DVP. This put me back half-an-hour, but when I got to the place, I saw only two people from our group. One of them looked at me and hollared,

"Yay! Now there are five of us!"

Five? *blink* Oh boy, this is going to get VERY expensive. Fortunately, we were able to pull a deal to allow us to play for the hour that we had left (we started an hour late) and then get an hour credit the next time we played. Bonus! That means we won't be peanalized for the time we spent waiting for people!

We did have to wait a long time before the people on our court were kicked off. Actually, we decided to ask them to join us since there were only five of us. With that group, we numbered around ten, which is a pretty good number for our (lack of) skill level. One of the girls there was *looks through Jax's definitions* (November 3rd if you were wondering) hot. Well, due to the lack of detail on Jax's list, that's the only description I could use. Nice body, face has some age lines, but seemed nice and laughed a lot (at me). First there was the call for help which never arrived, followed by the gum spitting incident. Ah boy, that was a great game. I quickly lost track of time and before I knew it, it was already a bit before four. Oh man, I was going to be late! Fortunately, we had just broken up and most of the group was leaving. Had I not been in a rush to leave, I probably would've stayed, but I do have my priorities straight every now and then!

I made it back home a bit past four and made a couple of phone calls before filling the drain with sand. It took a while before we were able to touch base, and the plan was to have dinner downtown starting at six. By the time I had gotten the message, it was already quarter to. There was no way I'd be able to make it downtown on time by subway! No problem, I figued that if they started eating first, I could munch on the left overs before heading out to watch the show. (I had the option of skipping out of dinner and heading down later, but I wanted to go.) So I left, and down I went.


[Saturday, April 7, 2001: Show.]

Now where was I? Oh yeah, I decided to drive downtown since there was no way in heck that I would be able to get down there in any reasonable amount of time by public transit. Heck, I didn't even know where the restaurant was! Rushing out of my neighborhood, I saw an ambulence and police car at some house. I have no idea what was going on, it was too far to see any details, and the light was green so I couldn't linger. Traffic going downtown was pretty bad. It wasn't jammed up like it was on the way up, but it certainly delayed my arrival time. I circled down in the area where I was told the restaurant was, but I couldn't see it. Mind you, had I been looking left more often, I probably would've noticed a few people waving at me from the restarant I was looking for, but anyway.. After a number of unsuccessful attempts at acquiring a street parking spot, I decided to go into a lot. After I had found my way out of the parking lot (it was underground and the signs were a little less than straightforward), I found my way to the restaurant with a few well placed inquiries. I found the crew perched in front of the restaurant. That was not a good sign. I was told that they were still waiting for a table, and it was already half-past! Oh dear, making it to the theatre on time will be a interesting task since the place was pretty packed! While we were waiting to be seated, we decided to order appetizers only. We figured that appetizers would be quick, and nobody (but me) was very hungry. So we ordered, told the waiter that we were in a rush, and waited.

And waited..

And.. we got our first appetizer at around seven. (We ordered three.) The next one arrived fifteen minutes later, and due to a mixup, our order of wings was screwed up so they had to take it back. We had to get going since we were really pressed for time, and so we asked for the bill. (Which also took some time.) They did deduct a percentage from the cost due to the tardiness but we were still waiting for our correct order of wings to arrive. While we were figuring out what to do, the waiter came up to us and said,

"If you have to leave, just go. You don't have to pay."

Or something to that effect. Whoa, I didn't expect that. We gave the man a tip anyway since there wasn't much he could do about it, and quickly rushed off to the theatre.

We got there with no time to spare. As we were walking into the room, the lights began to dim, so we quickly grabbed a seat near the back. It was a different perspective from the back. The last time we were there, it was in the second row, so the action looked very intense. From the back, it was as if we were watching a television. Some of the effects looked much better, and it was easier to take in the whole aspect of each dance routine, but it seemed a little more distant. (Metaphorically speaking.) After the intro, a couple of us groaned. We had seen this routine before! I had been warned by girl that some of these routines were borrowed from "Unlocked", but to our chagrin, we found out that at least half of the show consisted of "Unlocked" material. Mind you, we did get to see the two I liked the most ("See No Evil" and "A Rainy Day"), and the show was enjoayble.

Afterward, a couple of us decided to go out and grab some food since the two appetizers we had for dinner wasn't particularly filling. We stopped by Joe Begali's and had some good food, and excellent deserts. Mmm! That was very good. Afterward, we went home, but not before hitting yet ANOTHER traffic jam on the DVP (at two in the morning!). This time something really bad must've happened, since they had closed the parkway completely at Don Mills so we had to take the side streets back home. It wasn't a long ride, and we made it back in one piece. It was a good night.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:32:00 EDT

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Woody Allen (From The Quotations Page.)