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[9:26 AM EST - Accident.]

Hey, someone I know just got into an accident. Details are sketchy, but hospital stay and surgery are involved.

I set up a doctor's appointment for three-thirty this afternoon. *in Barry White's voice* Don't make me forget!


[9:32 AM EST - Crappy connection.]

Stupid connection keeps dying on me. Okay, I'll have to throw up that comment again..


[10:18 AM EST - Moving.]

People are moving their pages. Specifically, Laz and KGL. The moving seems okay, so far..


[4:56 PM EST - Minor bronchial infection.]

I just got back from my doctor's appointment. I was a little late for my appointment (due to a mixup in office locations - I also tried calling in but nobody picked up the phone..), but due to the number of patients that were present (and always arriving) my tardiness wasn't noticed. The inspection went pretty quickly. Standard test for sore throat and cough: Check throat, check ears (for ear infections), and then check the lungs.

After the quick once-over, the doctor (who's gotten a lot older) had that "another easy case" smile on and told me plainly that I had a minor bronchial infection on my right side. Whoa. Cool. So it wasn't TB.

He perscribed some antibiotics and told me that, although I probably wouldn't, that I should take it easy: No sports, lots of sleep, etc. Goody, exactly the opposite of what I've been doing for the past week. *grumbles*

Afterward, I went down to the pharmacy to pick up my drugs. I mean perscription. The lady at the counter asked me if I had been there before and I told her that I probably had, but not for many.. "What's your phone number?" Oh, okay.

While she went into the back to fill my perscription, I took the time to wander over to the Jamieson counter and grabbed a bottle of vitamin C tablets. (On sale too!) *makes money sound* After being called back to the perscription counter, the guy (who took over) asks me if I had been here before. Uh, I think so, but it was a long.. "What's your address?" Oh, it's.. "Is it.." *points to address on perscription form* Yup, that's it. And then he went back behind the counter.

So I was left to my devices until I was called back with more questions: "Do you have a plan?" Uhh.. "Does your company have some sort of drug plan?" Oh! Uh, no. So he gave the perscription to the cashier, who also took my (chewable) vitamin tablets and rang up my bill: $50.23.

What?!? Fifty bucks for a handfull of lousy pills? Were's the justice?!? Had I known that it would've been this expensive, I would've just suffered the extra week! Unfortunately, I've lived my life in the security blanket provided by my dad's drug plan, or the university drug plan, so I was used to paying peanuts for pills. But after this.. *pops a pill*

Never again! *shakes fist*


[5:01 PM EST - Visiting hours..]

What's up with my net connection? Sheesh!

Since I've got a (albiet minor) infection, I won't be going to visit hospital boy today. That's unfortunate.

Oh hey, something interesting happened at work, but I forgot it all after this drug hooplah. Bah.

Maybe I'll just work on those profiles..


[8:23 PM EST - What's up with this?]

Geez! I can't see nothing out of here ATM. Okay, I can see Sciborg, but the sites I'm looking for deem to be down, or at least the router I'm going through to get to one of these sites is down. Things seem to be working from Sciborg. I've been telneting in and surfing (via Lynx) from there.

Highly annoying.

I've taken this time away from the net to trim down on my rather large collection of files. Must get rid of crap..


[8:49 PM EST - Sonuvamotherlessgoat.]

I can't see outside, but people can still see this page. Where's the justice?!? Oh yeah, I think I burned off all of my justice karma years ago. *hangs head*

Forutnately, I was able to find a workaround. Despite the graphical limitations of Lynx, I've been able to figure out that Laz and KGL have thrown up.. something. The only other new thing I found out there was that NVM's very irritable right now, so uh, stay on this side of the continent.

I'm feeling awfully lethargic right now. That pill I took must be messing around with something in my system. *sways from side to side*

On a happier note, girl apparently had a Heinlein book that she was hiding away somewhere! It's "Tunnel in the Sky" and I hope to finish it before the weekend. (That and "And then there were none" by Agatha Christie - although I probably don't want to pull a DeeL.)

Argh! I still can't see out! *kicks network connection* Time to go to bed.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:36:42 EDT

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Aristotle (From The Quotations Page.)