I think I'll go order my new system tomorrow. Then I should be able to pick it up next weekend. Hopefully, I'll have something from the forum up and running by tomorrow as well, although I've been pretty lazy about it and haven't touched the code more than once for a week. *sigh*
Hey! I had an interesting day today. I had to go to Burlington to do some work on the system. But before that, I had time to work on some of the enhancements that I made yesterday. Namely, I had to fix it. (It should be fixed now.) Afterward, I had to forge signatures, and figure out how fax machines worked. Oh my, it was quite an interesting experience, especially since I was late going out to the site!
What was even more shocking to the system was when I bumped into our new receptionist (while I was going to check on the fax machine). I got up to the fax machine and waited while one of the girls was explaining how things worked, which is when she looked at me and said.
*blink* Yes, she looked familiar, but I didn't want to hazard any guesses as to what her name was because, heck, I'm horrible with faces and names right? Anyway, apparently she'll be working in the office for a little while..
Due to time restrictions, being late and all, I took the 407 out to the site. Burning down the fast lane, I noticed a number of cars appraching pretty quickly so I pulled to the right. Car after car passed by me, went in front, and then slowed down. Way down. This was pretty bizarre behaviour, which was later explained by the appearance police cruiser that was on the tail end of the convoy. We let him speed away.
It was a nice day weatherwise. I was happy to be able to get out of the office and enjoy the freshly vented air. The time at the site went by pretty quickly actually. I was quite surprised about that. Of course, being my first solo, they took it real easy on me.
I heded back in the thick of rush hour and was able to run a couple of errands (okay, just one.) before making it home.
Now, I can relax until Monday..
It seems as if Laz has got a beta version of his chat script up. Looks good! Too bad I can't use it. KGL also has a small update, while Jax has been busy..
I forgot to mention something. There were a number of parodies of various songs during Skule Nite last week (I already mentioned "Tradition"), but there was one which most of the people we went with couldn't put their finger on. The guy next to me was wondering if the original video (non-animation) was like the routine that was done on stage. Other people were wondering what the heck kind of song that was, so I muttered "It's 'Closer'.". The response was.. well, there wasn't one. "Hello? It's Nine Inch Nails." (Which is conveniently playing in the background as I speak.)
Amongst the blank looks, one person replied "I think I've heared of them.". How could anyone not know NIN?!? *twitch*
Oh man, there's been ANOTHER school shooting. Stay at home kids. Thanks to the ShackNews.
Thursday, March 22, 2001 at 20:10:30 (UTC)
oooo... Whatcha gettin?
Friday, March 23, 2001 at 01:24:08 (UTC)
Check my hardware page.
Friday, March 23, 2001 at 17:43:41 (UTC)
Ooh.. nice machine! Maybe now we can have a counter-strike clan??
borghelios <e-mail>
Friday, March 23, 2001 at 17:57:43 (UTC)
Any ideas for a name? (I still remember MJO's GOM.)
Friday, March 23, 2001 at 21:01:20 (UTC)
Good job you do - I don't. Your machine, BTW, is almost exactly what I have, cept I have a diff case, and IBM hard drive. It's excellent for CS once you get the latest drivers from nVidea.
GOM.. I was in a clan for a while, but that wasn't it...
Friday, March 23, 2001 at 21:03:51 (UTC)
Cool, I'm like the last of the group getting anything decent on my desktop (or under my desk as the case may be). GOM = Grumpy Old Men.
Saturday, March 24, 2001 at 19:56:34 (UTC)
What the- _I'm_ the one that came up with Grumpy Old Men!! *fumes* *waves cane*
Does your forum thingy support threads?
Sunday, March 25, 2001 at 12:25:29 (UTC)
I was wondering why I didn't remember it..
Sunday, March 25, 2001 at 15:22:50 (UTC)
Oops. I thought it was MJO. *scratches head* I guess me noggin's a little less reliable than I gave it credit for! (Which is saying something.)
The forum does do threading, you'll have to reply to one of the messages first. The threading is a little cumbersome IMNSHO, but I can't think of a better way to do it yet.