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[10:15 AM EST - Sore wrist.]

Erk, my wrist is pretty sore from Badminton on Monday. I didn't get any rest during that stint and it's caught up with me. *flexes wrist* In other news..

Well, not much going on actually. I do remember hearing last night about another (difficult and obscure) trivia question. One in every four Americans have what?


[10:30 AM EST - Optical Wireless Mice.]

Hey, Logitech has finally released an optical wireless mouse! Yay! It takes two AA batteries and runs for about three months. Which is to say, not too bad. I'll probably wait for the next generation before grabbing one, just incase there are some issues that are still unresolved. I was doing some surfin and noticed that FlyingS's got something up about idle trucks and his grandfather (condolences). NVM's had a more artistic weekend, and.. that's about it.

Man, I really should get cracking..


[2:33 PM EST - Proposition.]

Hmm, I've just been offered an interesting proposition. *looks at pile of stuff to do* Well, I seem to be going through these in good order, so I might just take up that offer..

Now the question is: What am I going to do on Friday?


[6:30 PM EST - At least it doesn't look like a dog.]

It started raining this afternoon. We haven't had rain for a little while now. At least not during the day. Dark rainy skies are pretty dreary. I'm glad the weather decided to turn foul later in the afternoon rather than in the morning. It would've put a dampener on my drive to work.

I needed to get gas (and milk) today. I have a tendency of trying to fill the tank as much as possible because.. well, I'm not sure why, but I do. Anyway, after the pump stops the first time, I try to fill the tank slowly, and gradually decrease the delta v as the tank fills. This is okay, except that I think that the pump stopping mechanism is pressure sensitive. Once you go below a certain pressure..

Has anyone seen "Dumb and Dumber"?

I was wondering why the gas bill was getting so high. At least nobody was smoking around me.. *tries waving away the gasoline fumes*

You know, when I was a kid, I really liked the smell of gasoline. (Although it probably would've made me sick in the morning.) Everytime we pulled into a gas station, I would take a whiff of the air and enjoy the moment of euphoria. I never knew that you could get high on that stuff. *waves more vigourously*


[6:47 PM EST - What's down doc?]

It seems as if HaremPresident (on Clone*Army) found something down in the basement..

Too bad most of you folks won't get that joke. Although while I'm still on this topic, I've been seeing that Card Captors ad on TV fairly often during breakfast. I have to cringe every time I see it because, well, if anyone's seen what the original was like and how it's being marketed here, you'd cringe too!

Anyway, the markets tumbled again today. Yay! More reason to buy in! *scrounges up more money to stuff into equities*

Okay, okay, so I'm not that big of a risk taker. *throws money into balanced funds*

Actually, how many of you have stocks and the like? Getting jittery yet? Feel like selling them off?


[10:37 PM EST - Visiting hours.]

I went downtown to check up on how hospital boy was doing. On the way down, we hit a snag. There was a huge traffic jam near one of the intersections on the highway, and traffic ground to a halt. Fortunately, I was able to sneak off onto the off-ramp and get off the highway, noting that the accident that cause the jam was only just past the intersection itself. (I saw the police lights. It was cleared five minutes later.) We ended up taking the small streets through the city rather than going back to the highway (which was my fault really, I didn't want to bud into the left-turn lane.

We made it to the hospital without any other problems. The patient was a little tired, and we didn't stay very long. (Besides, if I was in his position, I'd probably be sick and tired of so many visitors. "Leave me alone!")

The drive back was uneventful, although I did notice two cars on the highway that were driving bumper to bumper. Whether the guy in front knew that he was being tailgated, I don't know, but he hit the brakes even though there weren't any cars in front. I think the driver in the rear took the hint and switched lanes.

In other news, Laz was talking about how his students were leaving his tutorials and NVM is getting herself organized. KGL threw up some pictures (again). *looks* Ooh! I like that Hawaii picture. *whistles*

Finally, the ShackNews found an article about a rendezvous between a moose and a car.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:36:00 EDT

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David T. Wolf (From The Quotations Page.)