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[4:02 PM EST - I'm up!]

It's a little late, but I'm up now. Actually, I've been up for a few hours now, although I really didn't get out of bed until some time past one. Boy, I needed the sleep though! *stretches*

Anyway, I ended up staying at Laz's place until a bit past six, having mostly played Counter-Strike and Ridge Racer. Ridge Racer is kind of fun actually, although you can only play up to two people at a time. Oh yeah, I also tried out Virtual On on the Dreamcast. It's pretty fun as well. Fairly true to the arcade version, although the controls are a little clumsy. (It is so hard to turn! Erk!)

It was a fun night, although I found out that I still really suck at Counter-Strike, usually gracing the bottom of the score table, which, at my screen resolution, means that my name usually doesn't appear at all! *humbled*

Oh hey, I got a copy of Outcast which I'll probably try out tonight. How are you folks finding the new site? Faster? Slower? I checked the new digs from Laz's place and the connection seemed awfully slow. *sigh* I guess you can't win them all huh?


[11:23 PM EST - Solutions.]

I've been HTMLizing some of my mathematical solutions for the past little while. I'm not particularly sure why I'm doing this considering that a solution is probably out there already. *checks* Hmm, there seem to be solutions for them. Crap! *bangs fist* Oh well, I'll put them up anyway. I don't know the names for these problems, but I bet someone must know..


[11:55 PM EST - This is so fast..]

Man, this is so fast now! It's great to have the site on a local server! *grins* Of course, it might be slow as snot for the rest of you folks, but I can't really do much about that.. *eyes cable modem*

I tried installing Outcast this afternoon and failed miserably. After a bit of research, I found out that the problem was that the game didn't like my sound card. Apparently the game will work if you reinstall an earlier version of the drivers. Too bad they were talking about Win 9x. There are no earlier versions for the drivers for Win 2000. I'm using the ones that came with the OS! To top it off, since Aureal went belly up last year, nobody out there will be fixing this sound card problem..

Actually, this sound card problem is not limited to Outcast, I've mentioned before that my sound card cuts out every now and then. I did a bit more research into that problem and found out that there was no solution. Basically, you have to get a new sound card. Goody. I guess I won't be playing Outcast until I get my new system. At least I got to see the introduction movie. It's really long, but it's also quite interesting. I'd like to see how the rest of the game goes..

<- starts throwing money into the "buy QYV a new computer" fund.

Oh hey, I went to hip-hop this afternoon. The routine this week seemed a heck of a lot harder than the previous classes. Perhaps it's just me, but I think it has more to do with the not-so-natural steps during one of the intermediate movements. I keep going the wrong way, which then screws me up for a few counts, and usually, if we're going fast, that means that I'm completely out of it.

Professional dancer I am not. It was fun though. Now all I have to do is to remember the steps..

I should get going. I need sleep after staying up all night. *yawns*

Before I go, I did my nightly rounds at the ShackNews and came up with two links. The first is about some company that's planning to throw up it's own TLDs, while there's a rumour that Paramount's launching (yet) another Star Trek series.

[1 Comment]

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:35:46 EDT

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