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[9:40 AM EST - This March has 31 days.]

Morning folks. You know, I think I was going to say something here, but it slipped my mind. I just realized that it was Thursday today. What the heck happened to the week? One day, I'll wake up and realize that I was married or something. Boy would that be a shock.

I heard on the radio this morning another triva question. This one was pretty easy (since I was able to guess it): What do five percent of Canadians not know about Canada?

[1 Comment]

[6:03 PM EST - While I was out..]

Hmm, due to the hail of comments I got last month (okay, yesterday), I forgot to mention that FlyingS threw a (more-or-less non-) commentary on Clone*Army. Today, we've got updates from Laz (about quite a bit of stuff actually), and NVM (Someone who likes opera and heavy metal. An interesting juxtaposition don't you think?). *pause* That's it? It seemed like a lot more. Hrumph.


[6:49 PM EST - Keep this door closed.]

Today, while I was heading into the kitchenette, I noticed that the door was closed. It usually is left open, and the last time it was closed was because of a foul smell that was coming out of the garbage. This time, I inquired as to why the door was closed and got a shrug in reply. So I entered. I sniffed around, but the only thing my olfactory sensors picked up were coffee particles. Confused, I continued on with my task. Getting more water. As I was leaving the kitchen, I noticed that there was a sign posted on the back. Because the door was usually left (fully) open, you don't normally see the sign, so it shocked me to see it read:

Keep this door closed.

Could they have picked a better place to put it? (Yes, I'm being sarcastic.)

Hey, I noticed that memory prices dropped (again) recently. A stick of 128 MB (PC 133) is only 60! Dear lord, I'm glad I waited. Actually, I still don't have enough money to buy a system, and won't have enough cash on hand to get anything until mid-March at the earliest. So I'll have to wait just a bit longer before I get my hands on that new system.. *taps foot patiently*

Oh hey, OMok mentioned something about MJ, as did LXC. Hmm, I haven't played MJ in.. oh, a month? I wouldn't mind playing though. I don't want to lose ALL the time.. Anyone else interested?

[1 Comment]

[7:08 PM EST - Down the wire.]

I was just checking out some recent news. The ShackNews was down for a bit, so I had to delay this update, but I found an interesting article on ZDNet talking about overclockers. Most of the recently converted overclockers I know are usually the casual type (like me!). *pats C300A* Another article that surprised me was that Intel's going to drop the Pentium III very soon. Personally, I doubt that it's going to go through, but it's a gamble, and a little gambling can go a long way..

On the ShackNews front, it seems as if O3 is going to be producing a professional gaming RTS. What the heck is a "professional gaming" RTS? Finally, some good news for Windows 2000 users (like me) who play games (like me.. well, I used to at least), Microsoft has issued a compatibility patch that addresses game compatabilities. Yay!

Hmm, now that the ShackNews has moved, I have to change my links. Hmm.. I think he'll have the address point to the new site soon, but it would be nice not to have to change all of the addresses in any of my often used links.. I'll think about it.


[10:47 PM EST - Deadline.]

Time for me to go to sleep. Before I go, I should put up some stuff from the ShackNews. First of all, some South Africans think they've found Shakespeare's Muse. Hmm, I'll leave it at that.

Oh yeah, girl found a great quote from the best hitchhiker in the galaxy:

"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." - Douglas Adams



Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:41:30 EDT

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Edward Chilton (From The Quotations Page.)