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[9:38 AM EST - Violence only begets violence.]

I read in the paper today about a Palestinian bus driver who rammed his bus into a crowd, killing eight and wounding twenty. The cycle continues..

Oh, while I'm here, KGL seems to like her life, while Sparky does not (as much).


[9:48 AM EST - I'm the sucker.]

Anyone know where this quote comes from?

"Listen, here's the thing. If you can't spot the sucker in the first half hour at the table, then you ARE the sucker."

I would've emphasized the "you", but hey, I don't think I've seen this movie before.


[5:42 PM EST - Back from work.]

Hmm, I'm back from work. It's actually been more productive than I had thought. I was stuck on a couple of problems, but they sort of unraveled while I was eating lunch or sitting on the can.

Some of the best times to think I must say..


[6:04 PM EST - Flying Squirrel]

Oh, before I forget to mention this again, it seems as if FlyingS also has gotten a domain name of his own. This one's a 100% Cancon site and site name, so I think the CRTC will allow him promote his warez.. I mean wares.

Further, I've been thinking about Vegas, and the more I think about it, the more I believe that September may be a more ideal time to go. I think that's when there's a lull in traffic, although I don't know exactly when we can get the best deals at hotels and stuff (someone was supposed to be doing some research in that area..).

But why am I thinking about that here? I should be e-mailing people! (Unless you folks are interested?)


[6:32 PM EST - Penguins.]

I forgot to mention this earlier. There were quite a number of penguins at the last wedding I went to. Not real live ones mind you, but there were penguins on our place cards, on the cake, hanging around on our tables (I ran off with one), on the background for the photographs, they were everywhere!

I just wanted to mention that. (I had thought that there was only one person who was this into penguins..)


[6:59 PM EST - Faster connection?]

Hey folks, I want some of you to see if my other site is faster than Scienide. It's an archived copy of my site, and it's a week old, so don't mind the old dates. Don't bother commenting on that site either since I'll be overwriting it every few weeks or so. All I want to see is if the scripts (and rest of the site) are faster there than here.

If so, then I'll be porting the entire site, lock, stock and barrel after I reforward all of my e-mail there. Hopefully things will work out alright. *crosses fingers*


[9:12 PM EST - Whoops..]

I guess I should've visited FlyingS's page before linking it. Oh well, I guess the damage has been done, I have linked FlyingS to his alter ego! *screams*

Ahem. In any case, I have to find a place to put the link somewhere don't I? Hmm.. I'll have to get around to it..

[1 Comment]

[9:48 PM EST - Ninety Seven Percent!]

Wow, I just got my Visa bill. Although the contents of the bill are uninteresting and confidential, the envelopes that the bills are sent to me usually have a picture of a missing child on the back. This one didn't. Instead, it had a list of the names of the children who have been found with the use of these bills. The recovery rate for 2000 is 97%. Ninety seven percent! Geez Louise! If I get lost, I'll be sure to get my picture on there so that I can be found again.

On the other hand, I don't get lost too often (unless I was following a particular person's directions) so I shouldn't have too much to worry about. (Besides, my mug on every Visa bill? "Have you seen this child-ish man?" Ick.)


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:38:18 EDT

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Edward Chilton (From The Quotations Page.)