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[9:44 AM EST - Well the weather outside was frightful..]

Holy snow Batman! I haven't seen this much snow since.. quite some time actually, and it's STILL coming down! The forecast was predicting a total fall of 10 cm, but it sure looks like a lot more. Actually, iw probably would've been a lot more had it not been for the forecast that the snow's going to turn into freezing rain. Ugh, perhaps I shouldn't have left the house today.

Oh well, it seems as if people are still making it into the office, so I won't be one of the few here. Although, I'm not sure how I'll make it home..


[10:23 AM EST - Early to bed..]

I went to sleep earlier than usual last night (before midnight) and I actually got up this morning a little earlier and a bit more refreshed! *stretches* Good stuff. I should do that more often. Speaking of sleep, do you know where it's illegal to sleep in Pitsburgh?

Laz has thrown up one of those personality questionares onto his page while KGL has gone on another shopping spree..


[12:19 PM EST - Twenty.]

Twenty centimeters. That's the new forecast. It's gotten from bad to worse out there it seems, and I didn't bring my lunch today! *grumbles* At least I don't have to drive on the Don Valley Parking Lot..

Hey, it seems as if the US is thinking of passing a law to prevent strippers from getting within fifteen feet of their customers. (So what the heck can we do in Vegas now?) Umm, I found the link at the ShackNews..


[6:30 PM EST - Wet snow.]

Erk. I just got in from shovelling half of the driveway. Normally, I'm just a little tired after clearing off the snow, but today's snow was the really dense, packable, lead snow. It didn't help that it started raining when I started shovelling, so I had to move the snow and the water that got soaked into it. Erk. Now my fingers ache from all of that lifting..

So it seems as if the final tally for snow is around thirty centimeters. That might be a little high (25 sounds more about right).

Anyway, I had this bright idea to go out to get lunch this afternoon since I didn't bring any food to work today. Bright. I got into the snow covered car and fired up the engine. Then I tried to turn on the wipers to see if it could clear the snow. The hapless blades moved about an inch before succumbing to the weight of the snow. Oi, this was not looking good. After clearing enough snow for me to drive, I began to back out. No dice. I decide to gun the engine, which lurched me out of my parking spot, forcing me to hit the brakes before hitting the car behind me. So I stopped. Not good, I know this car, and I know it has no power. I try to pull out slowly. Nothing. I try to pull out fast. Nothing. I try to go forward. Nothing. I try going back and forth. Nothing.

My options were running out fast. You can say that I was stuck, even though I hadn't even left my parking spot! After some futile attempts to get out, I decide to wiggle the wheel while revving the engine, hoping that the wheels would catch on something. It took me a while, but I finally was able to come back to rest (more or less) in my parking spot. After a futile ten minutes, I went back to the office to starve for the rest of the afternoon.

Oh, but the story doesn't end. I still have to go home. Remembering my folly earlier in the day, I decide to try pulling out of the spot quickly, while avoiding any objects that might get the insurance people hunting me down. To make a long story short, it took me a good ten minutes to make it out of the lot, at which point I was able to drive on plowed roads and could make my way home (after buying some memory and milk).

Now, at this point in time (and even now), many of the residential roads are still not plowed. The one in front of my house is unfortunately one of them. While I was skidding through my neighborhood, I was wondering how the heck I was going to get into the garage when I saw girl outside shovelling the driveway. I was saved! Well, not really. She hadn't finished shovelling enough of the driveway to let me pass, so I had to stop at the base of the driveway. After she got out of the way, I found out that I was stuck. Again. (A recurring motif.) This took another ten minutes (and much snow shovelling) to remedy. Ugh. Time to test drive some new cars huh?


[10:11 PM EST - No more Babe Watch.]

Aloha! Seems like Baywatch is going to disappear soon. I've only seen a couple of episodes, and I know I'm not missing out on anything. Hey, I remember when it first came on over ten years ago, when that actor from "Probe" was part of the series. At that point in time, I don't think I really cared about seeing buxom actresses. Ah well, I found this on the ShackNews.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:38:15 EDT

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Edward Chilton (From The Quotations Page.)