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[9:37 AM EST - Happy New Year!]

This is the first day in the lunar calendar. The year of the snake is upon us! Are there any of you snakes out there? Well, this is a bad year for you. Go find a hole and crawl into it because you might be safer there. Then again, the hole might just collapse on top of you and cause you to die a slow and excruciating death, so don't listen to me.


It seems as if not everyone was in the same catagory as I. One person was a bit more extroverted, although just barely.

Oh hey, one of the girls who works here is a snake. There's someone here younger than me? I'm not the youngest anymore? *bangs fist*

*sigh* I guess being the youngest can't last forever huh?

Finally, I did some surfing and noticed that KGL, NVM, and Tiffi all have updates up. Check them out!

I think it's time for some e-mail before I get back to work..


[1:02 PM EST - I canna see!]

Rats. We seem to be having a problem with seeing the Microsoft site from down here so I'm a little annoyed. One of the things I wanted to do is explained on one of the development pages on the site. Fortunately, I can see the Microsoft site from Scienide. Unfortunately, Lynx doesn't work all too well on their site. Why can't people put up sites with more cross-browser functionality? Lazy bones! *bangs fist on table*

Oh well. What to do?


[1:29 PM EST - Multiple font tags.]

I've been able to alter the comment script a bit to allow some multiple font tags. i.e. \b{bold\i{italics}} will produce bolditalics. At least in theory. We'll see how it holds up in practice.


[1:50 PM EST - Black and White.]

I've added two new colours (black and white) to the comment script. I would suggest that you use these two colours sparingly since most of the style sheets use black or white as a background colour.


[2:21 PM EST - Microsoft is down..]

Well I'll be. It does seem as if Microsoft's sites have been down for a few hours. (I thought it was me for a little while there.) Well, I was able to access the main site from UW, but that was not good enough! Anyway, there's some news sites who have information about it now. This is the one at CNN. (As Laz would say: "Dissapointed!")

I wonder if KGL has anything to do with it? *raises eyebrow*


[2:53 PM EST - Cards and stuff.]

I got this thing from girl for Chinese New Year. It should be up for the next ninty days..

Oh yeah, Growly has thrown up the pictures he took (well, not him per se, but from his camera) during the birthday bash for Laz and Growly last weekend. See who got shot!


[3:34 PM EST - ING Direct.]

Werdna was telling me about his ING Direct account that was garnering a whopping 4.85% interest. (It's more than my GIA!) So I decided to look into it. The web site is here. It seems promising, but I've got a bit more studying to do before I commit to anything.


[8:18 PM EST - Hummer.]

Hey wow! After the little B2B session tonight (with a comment on VMWare and Platespin), I came home and went to pick up the mail. As I was walking down the street, this painted Humvee (I think it was an ad for "2000 Miles to Las Vegas" or something like that) drove down my street, stopped, and backed up into one of the driveways. Odd, I didn't remember anyone in our neighborhood who drove a Hummer..

Oh hey, Laz has thrown up an update since I last checked. You may want to see how much he likes that Everglide..

Speaking of games, I've started Starship Troopers, and it's not too bad. It's like a mix between Space Hulk and Total Annihilation. Umm, I've only played a couple of missions so far, so I can't say much about the game. I'll try out more later.

I'm going to check news now.


[8:36 PM EST - Yada.]

Seems like there's some interesting stuff on ArsTechnica, although this essay on copy protection caught my attention. It's a long read, and I'm still going through it. The ShackNews has news about some Intel price cuts, and with the impending arrival of the 1.3GHz Athlon, I can see those chips going down in price as well. *claps hands* It's good to be patient!

Okay, I've got some reading to do..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:40:38 EDT

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Frank Leahy (From The Quotations Page.)