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[12:50 AM EST - In town for the weekend.]

Hey! I made it to Waterloo without too much of a problem. The plan was to make it here around lunchtime so that I could have lunch with Dusty and weirDo. Well, I ended up leaving around half-past-noon, and figured that I would make it to the university in an hour, especially since I was going to take highway seven - which is generally fast through the middle stretch. I wasn't wrong. Too much. The middle stretch of the highwasy WAS pretty fast. I was averaging around 85 and I wasn't being stopped by any stop lights. Unfortunately, once I got most of the way across, I hit a really slow section and lost all of the gains I made in the middle. It ended up taking me twice as long to make it into the city. Oh well, what else is new?

I spent some time during (our very slow) lunch and was a little worried that I wouldn't be able to make it to the bank in time before it closed. Fortunately, I did get there half-an-hour before it closed, so that was good. The lady who closed my account remembered me from all of my terms as a treasurer for CTRL-A. Cool. Afterward, I was able to make it into chemistry to hand in my keys and pick up the key deposit (which I had completely forgotten about - hey, it's been four years!).

The CTRL-A show went fairly well, I met a few of the old guard, but there were quite a number of new faces that were there. Man, I'm getting old.

Well, I think it's time for me to get going. I need sleep, and I want to wake up early tomorrow to go skating. *yawn*


[11:41 AM EST - Netscape.]

Erk. I had completely forgotten how strange my site looks in Netscape 4.5. I'm pretty sure that it's because of some of that javascript I threw in there, although it does have some problems with CSS. Anyway, I'll work on that for a little while before I check on news.


[1:02 PM EST - Noscript.]

I've figured out why Netscape 4.5 didn't like parts of my page. It stumbles on any <noscript> tags I throw into the page. I guess it's default action is to clobber any <p> tags that surrounds them (which they can get away with since the <\p> tag is optional). Sucky. I don't know an easy way around it. Well, I do know of a way, but it's really, really annoying. I'm trying to reduce my dependence on javascript, not increase it!

Ah well, I'll figure out something later. Right now, I need food, and the show started.. oh, an hour ago?


[11:17 PM EST - Relief for heating expenses.]

Hey, I'm back in TO. I just found out that I got some money from the government. Actually, quite a number of us probably did. It's a one-time, tax-free payment from the government to offset heating costs this year. Interesting stuff no?

The ride back from Waterloo was uneventful, although the stay there was pretty good. I got up a little later than I should've today since HaremPresident had to be at the show by eleven (so he was ten minutes late). On the way to the school, one of the traffic lights had a left turn signal. While I was waiting for my light to turn green, the left turn signal was on, except that the lady in the car next to me (on my left of course) apparently didn't notice the light. I tried to tell her that she had a green light, but I guess communication through two panes of glass is difficult. When the light turned amber, she suddenly relized her folly and hit the accelerator, barely allowing her, and the (amazingly patient) car behind her to beat the oncoming traffic.

Nothing too interesting to report at the show, except that JCC had a little surprise during the dinner break. The little surprise was the first episode of the second "Jojo's Bizarre Adventures" series. Cool..

Afterward, I took off early so that I could go and watch the Stallions in the Desert play one of their competitive broomball games. I nearly didn't recognize them because they had gone out to buy jerseys! Hey! I want my jersey!! *bangs fist* Too bad, I just missed out. There were a number of new faces, but the old guys were still there. They won their game, although it was very close for a while there (it was 2-1 until the last three minutes of the game when they scored 3 goals in one minute).

I left for TO after that, picking up gas (at 66.2 cents per litre) before I escaped. I pulled into the gas station, got out to fill up, and this kid comes out to tell me that I was in the full serve line. Doh. He told me that the self-serve line was on the other side, but said that full serve cost an extra 0.2 cents (per litre). I figured "What the hey." I dragged the kid out into the cold due to my lack of perception (and besides, the Esso across the street was 66.5 cents per litre), so I let him fill up my tank (and clean the windows). It was still way cheaper than filling up in TO (with gas at 69.4 cents per litre).

Okay, time to check news.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:26:56 EDT

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Woody Allen (From The Quotations Page.)