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[12:08 AM EST - Erk, I want to take a Nap..]

I had lots of plans for tonight. I wanted to get the CD-RW working again, I wanted to transfer over my site, I wanted do do stuff. Fate unfortunately intervened. While I was setting up the CD-R program, I realized that I didn't have anything to copy over to CD to test out the drive. I suddenly realized that I could move some of my MP3s over, but I didn't have enough to fill up a CD, so I figured that I could get a few more songs to round out the collection, so I fired up Napster..

Four hours later, I realized that I needed sleep. I still haven't tested out the CD-RW, and I haven't done anything else actually except for racking my brain for any songs that I might be interested in finding. *sigh* I'm actually quite surprised at the number of songs that I recognized. The only complaint I have is that finding dance (and similar) songs are a pain in the rear end. Dance songs are rarely found in their original form. Most of the copies out there are from dance compilations or are remixed all to heck (which means hell). That is exactly not what I'm looking for. Ah well, I've been able to pull myself away, losing only four hours of my life. It could've been worse.

While I was busy downloading, quite a few people have thrown up updates. We've got Laz, KGL, Jax, Sparky, and NVM. Comments? Ugh, I want to go to sleep.


[10:49 AM EST - Time for a haircut!]

I'm going to get my hair cut today. I nearly slept in past the eleven-thirty appointment. Shocking huh?


[2:38 PM EST - Cropped.]

Ahh, it's nice to be able to see up again. *looks up and notices that there's a celing* I don't have much planned for today, except my usual computer stuff that I was supposed to do yesterday. While I was at the barber's I was leafing through one of the girly magazines (the magazine that I was reading, some bike thing, didn't belong there and had to leave with one of the patrons) I came across an article about the reactions of the guys (remember, this is a girly magazine - which had a section on "places to touch your bf" Ick.) who's girlfriends were raped.

Whoa. I've never really thought about that. Probably because I've never had a gf. But that's beside the point. I know some girls who've been raped, and as I guy, I've always wondered why other guys do this sort of thing. Why? Why would anyone do something like that to another person? The questions abound.

To answer what I would do, first I would disbelieve for a little while ("This couldn't have happened to us."), and then of course, get angry. But then, what can I do?

In the paper, I read an article about how the Human Genome Project has completed mapping all of the geens in the genome, but have yet to determine the functionality of each gene. There were interesting points raised in the article (95% or our genes are "junk" and littered with some parasitic genes, most inactive for millions of years..), but the final few paragraphs alluded to a Human Proteome Project which will determine all of the proteins in the human body and determine each of their functions. That will be tough.

Actually, the progress we've made with understanding our genes is an interesting topic. Too bad I don't have time to talk about it right now.

There was one more topic I wanted to raise, but it's slipped my mind at the moment. Oh yeah, I'm going out to one of my.. er.. realtive's birthday party tonight. Yay! Free food! Anyone interested in joining?


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:37:28 EDT

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