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[9:43 AM EST - It happens to me all the time..]

Maybe I should blame gravity. Hrumph. Anyway, I'm up and about as usual, waiting for my program to finish. It should be able to send it off soon! Yay! (I think I've said that before actually.)


[7:43 PM EST - Late.]

I ended up working late today. Since we moved servers, things got a little screwed up so I had to go and fix some things. I've been able to get most of the stuff working, but I had to get out of the office because they were locking up (okay, so staying until seven is not that late, but it is if you consider that I usually leave around five). Ah, I remember the good old days when I was still doing my masters and could stay at the school as long as I wanted (which was usually very long during those really hot summer days).

Anyway, I got my paycheque today! Yay! I'm rich! Too bad I have to pay for stuff. *watches as paycheque turns into just enough money for food* As KGL would say: Boo.

Speaking of KGL, she's got an update up. Apparently there was an earthquake down in the Seattle area (around 6.7 on the Richter scale) which was strong enough to cause some blackouts, but last I heard, nothing too bad happened.

I notice that LXC has been busy filling up the comments (and thus making this entry awfully lopsided) so I'm going to go and respond to his comments at some point in time while I try to figure out what I can throw on this side to even things out.

(Hmm.. padding, padding..)


[8:13 PM EST - Quick dinner.]

I just had a quick dinner, and I'm quite full. Actually, I was quite full when I started eating (yes, I can actually get full thankyouverymuch) because of lunch. MV came to the office today for lunch, and since I missed out on lunch last week, I figured that I should join in. Well, it was probably a much smaller group, but it was still quite interesting nonetheless. I ended up riding with the girls, and got completely engulfed in a sea of estrogen. I don't know how else to put it. It was quite entertaining I must admit with all of their stories, jokes, and comments. Quite an interesting bunch.

Lunch was very good. We went to to a place called Jake's (which used to be a funeral home) in Unionville. I wasn't paying all too much attention to the route we took, but from what I saw, it seems as if we went through the original downtown Unionville. (Narrow roads, and many small, close packed buildings.) It looked really neat actually. I didn't realize that we had such a "small town" type community so close to where I lived. Mind you, it might've been rebuilt, but I don't think so. I should check it out again sometime. (Maybe I should bike around that area.)

Oh yeah, lunch. Lunch was really good (as I said before). I ordered the baby clam linguine and I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of sauce I got. When I usually go out to eat pasta at some restaurants, I end up sucking up most of the sauce before going through half of the dish, but this one.. oh man! There were so many baby clams! Mmm.. *rubs tummy* Quite a filling meal. (We ended up finishing around half-past-two.)

So now you know why I wasn't hungry for dinner. Maybe I'll be having a midnight snack later..

[1 Comment]

[8:44 PM EST - Ash Wednesday.]

I usually don't remember any religious dates unless I end up getting the day off, and today is no exception. The only reason why I remembered about it was because KH was asking me if I knew that we had missed Shrove Tuesday. (Huh?) You know, Shrove Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday? (Huh?) The beginning of Lent? (Huh?)

Needless to say, I was quite ignorant (and still am actually). I do remember having some sort of pancake day in grade.. seven? But apart from that, I don't ever remember being around anyone who's ever celbrated Shrove Tuesday. It's too bad since I really do like pancakes (in moderation of course - no tall stacks for me!).

I also realized something. In my office, I'm stuck with a couple of really hard working guys and we don't usually discuss stuff too much. Not too much idle banter that is. Most of our discussions are usually work or computer related. But when I was working on the server in the other room, it was quite a different experience.

Oh well, I think it's time for me to check on news huh?


[9:14 PM EST - Just to spite me?]

Hmm, it seems as if my war against the lopsided entry is faring poorly. I'll remember to keep my ideas to myself next time.

Anyway, before I go and respond to those comment entries, I noticed that Laz has an entry up about self-amputation. Ick.

Oh man, even André's commented! I'm doomed to failure! *thinks of more to say*

What happened to my vaunted loquacity?


[9:52 PM EST - We are clearly not getting any smarter.]

There's a bunch of links about some really.. unsmart people in this world. There's the parents who want their kid to be the youngest smoker in the world. Also, some kid got beat up for throwing stuff at cars. On the other side of the world, some yahoo found out why you shouldn't smoke near a gas station. While closer to home, police turned a fugitive away while he was trying to turn himself in. Finally, I feel sorry for this couple.


[11:13 PM EST - This ain't no discussion board..]

Erk, I think my page layout was pushed to the limit with that last barrage of comments. Oi, maybe I should go and try coding a discussion forum at some point in time. It would be a neat project, and would make continuing threads much easier than these day-based comments. *rubs chin* Mind you, a discussion board is (to me) just an overgrown guestbook. The aspects are the same even though the reasoning is different. Well, maybe not. The guessbook is just one thread of a more general discussion forum..


Yes, yes.. I can see the ideas starting to form in my head. This may prove interesting. Now all I need is the time to put all of this together..

[1 Comment]

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:40:19 EDT

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