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[9:45 AM EST - Another week.]

Another work week has started and we are going to get ten more centimeters of snow. Yay! I don't know why I'm cheering since I usually don't have much to do in the snow these days except drive in it.

I'm a little sore for some reason, and my left foot is acting up again. I also need new shoes. *looks at hole in right shoe* I think I also need a bit more sleep. Can't you tell that it's Monday?


[9:48 AM EST - Question of the day.]

Oh, I forgot to mention the question of the day. Today, the question is: What TV character had a job that paid him 12 000 a year?

Do you guys want me to post the answers somewhere? I figured that since nobody was guessing that nobody really cared..


[3:47 PM EST - Snowed in?]

The snow's still falling outside, and I'm wondering if I'll be snowed in. *looks* Considering that our car is a gutless wonder, I probably should go soon. (At least I squashed two bugs today..)


[3:56 PM EST - I'm gonna go.]

After a bit of thinking (for all of ten seconds), I've decided to go home. I won't get snowed in like I nearly was last time!

Before I go, I forgot to mention that there was an interview about the upcoming patch (v1.1) to Counter-Strike. There was a quote from the interview, from which I've clipped out this comment:

"The AWP is too powerful."

Darn (which means damn) straight!

<- suffering from FPS envy.


[6:24 PM EST - Solutions up.]

I've finally HTMLized my solutions. Now all I have to do is to make sure that they're right! While I was checking on my Button Madness solution, I relaized that there was a general solution to the 4x4 grid version. Fortunately it didn't take long to put it together.

Anyway, I spent some time in the past hour shovelling the driveway. I usually don't shovel until the snow stops falling, but while I was up here working away at my solutions, my mom told me that my dad was outside shovelling the snow.

That's bad news because he generally doesn't shovel. Be it one foot or one inch, the big guns are always brought out. Oh yes, the gas guzzling, noise producing, polution belching monstrosity that they call: The snow blower. Ick. Just standing around the thing for a minute while it's running makes me ill, and I can't see how anyone could work with it. Anyway, by the time I had gotten outside, half of the driveway had already been demolished, so I shooed him away and began shovelling the rest of the snow.

I must've been more tired from our floor wiping exercise yesterday than I had thought because I started to ache pretty quickly. Fortunately, the snow (apart from the brown sludge that was compactified by the monster) was light and fluffy. I was finished pretty quickly.

Ahh. Oh yeah, that forum thing. Hmm.. this might take some time.


[6:31 PM EST - Again?!?]

I just found out that there was another shooting spree by yet another kid. The 15 years old kid ended up wounding thirteen and killing two classmates in a California high-school.

Why does this keep happening?


[6:49 PM EST - Sealand.]

This is kind of cool. I never heard about this place before. I think MJO or AgentP should go out to investigate.


[11:17 PM EST - Not feeling urbane.]

What a bizarre word, urbane. Sparky's been hearing that word a fair bit it seems. She's also slightly altered her page as well. *nods* Laz is complaining about the snow, while KGL has registered karenluk.com. Waitaminute, isn't it registered already?

I was thinking of watching a movie tonight, but it's much too late, and I'm much too tired. *stretches aching joints* All I want to do is keel over. Maybe I'm working myself too hard? Perhaps it'll affect my sex life? Perhaps I'm blowing smoke out of my.. chimney? (There was an ass article in there too.) Shackorific!

Ugh, now I've got a headache. Maybe I'll lie down. That sounds like a good idea.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:36:56 EDT

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David T. Wolf (From The Quotations Page.)