Hey, from the ShackNews came a link to a new realilty based show (ugh). This one is called Big Diet. Umm, people are going to watch this stuff?
Hmm, there seems to be a Babylon 5 TC for Freespace 2 that some guys are working on. It looks pretty good, although I think they've slowed down in development. Dang, this stuff looks so interesting, I'll test out the HW:B5 TC now..
Hey, I just got back from volleyball. It was pretty good. Enough people showed up to make it interesting and not have to pay an arm and a leg for the court. I needed a ride to and from the centre because I couldn't get the car this afternoon.
Unfortunately, right now I'm not sure what's going to happen with hip hop.. *looks at time* Some peopl are hard to get in touch with. I KNEW I should've phoned earlier. *makes face*
Oh well, not much I can do now but wait..
What the.. Hey. It seems like I won't be getting access to the car this afternoon. *looks thoughtful* This is probably.. a bad thing. But not to worry, *waves hands* things will turn out okay in the end. I mean, they always do in the movies right?
Well, maybe not in the last movie I saw. *thinks* Or the one before that.. Oh, nevermind!
Okay, things make a lot more sense now. *nods*
*twiddles thumbs*
*hangs head*
I think I'll take a shower.
I heard a question last night, to which I still don't have an answer to. Well, an answer for myself that is. The question is: If you had a choice, would you rather have a significant other that would spend 100% of the time with you (when you want him/her to) but only paid attention 75% of the time, or someone who would only spend 75% of the time with you, but gave 100% everytime that person was there?
Should be more than an hour in by now. Three hours to go.
Sunday, March 18, 2001 at 19:05:56 (UTC)
People will watch anything. There was a show over here called "touch the truck" - take about 11 people and a truck, put them together. All the people have to do is stand or sit, and touch the truck. No sleeping, last one touching it wins. While I did not partake, I've been told it was worse than bad. Curiously enough though, lots of people watched..
Monday, March 19, 2001 at 03:22:45 (UTC)
Actually there are contests here where people have to touch something (a wall, a pole, a fence) for as long as possible, and the last person standing (okay, bad pun) would win the prize(s). Why anyone would make a TV series out of it confuses the heck out of me!