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[12:52 AM EDT - Joe Jackson.]

We went to Shoeless Joe's for dinner and to watch the game. It was a pretty rough game, but there were a lot of good shots and some great saves, and I haven't even started talking about the hockey game yet! Both the Raptors and Leafs won tonight, so I guess both teams will be showing up in the playoffs. How long they'll last on the other hand..

I should go to sleep soon. I might be getting my hair cut later today, and I need to sign up for ultimate. Oh boy.


[3:35 AM EDT - Ulukai.]

Man, I'm finished! I didn't realize how close to the end of the game I was. It was a pretty good game, and the dance at the end was quite entertaining. *sigh* I guess I don't have any excuse not to do something productive now huh?


[12:14 PM EDT - Perfect SAT.]

Hey cool, this homeless dude got a perfect score on the SAT.


[2:40 PM EDT - Just when I thought..]

I thought I was going to have the afternoon to catch up on updating and getting both of my computers set up (I just installed the CD-RW into Yavin), I got a call about a roller hockey game. It's starting.. now. Doh. You KNOW I can't refuse. *sigh*

Oh well, there's always tomorrow..


[6:47 PM EDT - Something I forgot..]

With all of this adventure and excitement today, I forgot to eat lunch. Actually, I only realized this fact after I was invited out to play roller hockey. By then, eating would've been a little detrimental to my performance and health (probably) so I figued that I should starve myself until dinner. Besides, that means I can pig out tonight right?

Roller hockey was pretty good. The weather wasn't particularly nice (windy and cold - we could see our breaths!) but that was good for me since I like exercising in cold weather. *rolls around the field in a T-shirt* It was the usual roller hockey folks that played there, except that JoL showed up as well! I was quite surprised actually, although..

Anyway, hopefully I'll be spending tonight catching up on stuff. Will try to avoid games tonight, although I tested out Counter Strike on my new system.. and it ROCKS! I'm playing in 1280 by 960 resolution and I'm getting great fps. I just installed the game before I left so I wasn't able to check the hard numbers, but I'm telling you, it's a huge step up over single digit fps.

<- attempts to fight urge to play.


[7:43 PM EDT - Tinkle.]

I got a link from HaremPresident who was making strange noises on the other end of the line when he sent me the URL. I don't think the information is particularly useful to me, but some of you gals out there may want to take a peek. (Yeah, right.)


[8:07 PM EDT - On hold.]

Okay, I have to take a break from my computer tinkering because of a phone number request (don't ask), so I'm going to take this time (just before eating) to throw up some stuff that I noticed last week.

On Wednesday, I suddenly realized how easy it was to find parking space at the office despite arriving to work not that early. Mind you, I came only several minutes earlier when I started my job so it shouldn't be that big a difference, but boy, I think over time, people have been driving to work less, or car pooling.

It was also a nice and balmy day on Wednesday. I think it was the first real nice spring day we had this year. On the drive back home, I rolled down my window to breathe in the fresh air, and I noticed that just about every single car had their windows down as well. 'Tis the season..

Thursday was also a nice day, and I had my window down to enjoy the warm spring air. During the drive back home from work, I was flipping radio stations and suddenly came across a Vengaboys song (Boom Boom Boom Boom). That's not unheard of since I do troll around the dance stations, but when I checked the display, I realized that I was listening to a adult contemporary station. What the heck?!? This never happens! (Well, I guess it does.) Strange.

Finally, after I made that frightful discovery, I glanced over to my right and noticed that the driver in the other car was Werdna! Holy crap! What the heck was he doing here? That made no sense, and why is he banging his head like that. It took me a minute of observing to realize that that man was not Werdna, although looked very much like him. Actually, he looked like an older version of Werdna (the "older" part supported by the kid in the back seat).

Dang, gotta go and eat. I'll be back.


[8:49 PM EDT - Deep end.]

Oh, I am so full. *moans in chair* I also want to sleep. I got none last night, and roller hockey sucked out whatever energy I had left in me. (I gotta do that more often!)

Let's see now, I was just peeking at pages around and noticed that NVM and Laz have stuff up. I also checked out Clone*Army. Yo, FlyingS, HaremPresident? I think DK's going over the deep end with his latest 18+ picture. Really, I mean.. ick, with a capital ICK! That boy needs help!

Okay, so apart from that, what else? I got my haircut. *pats head* So I should be feeling a little cooler during the warm spring days. Too bad it's chilly now. *frowns* Oh yeah, this reminds me. On the way back from dropping girl off at JoL's place (I actually wanted to check with HaremPresident to see what was going on tonight - which I realized was nothing afterward) I was singing to some song.. *looks around* on the radio. I just happened to glance to my left and saw the face (and only the face) of some kid who was staring at me with this huge frown on his face. He kept frowning at me when I looked at him (her? Dang it was an ugly kid.. I'm not even sure it was a kid!) so I burst out laughing. The next time I glanced in that direction, the face was gone. I kept laughing.

Okay, so there's still no call yet. If I don't get a call by the time I finish my last review, I'm going back to working on that CD-RW. (After I finish washing the dishes.)


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:35:26 EDT

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