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[10:18 AM EST - No chicken noodle.]

Guess what? There's no chicken noodle soup in the house. What kind of travisty is this? Erk. I didn't get any sleep last night. I tossed and turned all night with the main thought in my head being "Why am I not falling asleep?". So if you hear about some accident about some dumb kid falling asleep at the wheel, you'll know who it is.

I took a different route to work today because I had to drop off a DVD (which I never got to see since I was busy for the past few days). After dropping off the DVD, I came across an intersection where there was a cop who was doing some fancy manuvering in front of us. It took me a little while to realize that he was actually moving his cruiser so that he would block the street! By the time I got up to the intersection, I could see in the distance the end result of some sort of collision. I didn't stick around to find out any details.

Broomball was okay last night. I played about the same despite my condition. On the way down there, I was listening to the radio, and the top nine at nine songs started to come out. I didn't like the song, so I switched stations (from a dance to a pop station) coincidentially, it too had just started it's own top nine at nine (which coicidentially had the same name) and it's ninth song was exactly the same as the dance station I was listening too! Annoyed, I switched to a variety station and (oddly enough) it too had a top nine at nine hour, and it's ninth song, you guessed it, was exactly the same as the previous two stations!

<- switches to an out-of-town station.

Ugh, time to get back.


[12:19 PM EST - Stirling scooter.]

I've been clobbering bugs all morning, and I decided to check up on news. I found a link (from the ShackNews) to what IT might be (I mentioned IT a couple of months ago). IT's probably going to be a scooter of some sort. What caught my attention was this line:

Kamen is also said to be planning later versions of the scooter that would include his patented version of the Stirling engine, an almost perpetual motion machine.

Damn, are people finally going to put Stirling engines to practical use? Well, it would be about time! (I've talked about it enough - like here and here and here - although I repeated my thought that third time.)

<- still waiting for that Stirling/Electric hybrid.


[9:40 PM EST - Forumwork.]

I'm still working on that forum thing. Geez, this is taking a long time. I actually got it to work! Yay! Now all I have to do is to make it robust and foolproof. (Or maybe just LXC-proof. =)

Throat's still a little hoarce, but there ain't much I can do about that except not talk. I'm pretty good at that though.

Okay, back to coding.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:33:33 EDT

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Sir Winston Churchill (From The Quotations Page.)