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[9:27 AM EST - No Lindros. No Blake.]

Well, it seems as if the Leafs won't be getting Lindros, nor will they be getting Blake. So it's back to square one for the blue and white, we'll see how everything falls out huh?

On the radio this morning, the nine o'clock question was pretty easy (to look up): What was the sourthernmost point in Canada, and which American city is it parallel to? The second guess for the southern most point in Canada was.. Montreal. What?!? Maybe it would seem so if you were from Alert. Good lord. Montreal indeed.


[4:51 PM EST - Cow tipping.]

I heard this on the radio yesterday but I forgot to metion it. If you tip this object by 7.5 degrees, it will fall over. What is it?


[5:52 PM EST - Neo DooM.]

The ShackNews has a bunch of in game screenshots for the new Doom. Bear in mind that they're running off a GeForce 3, but still. Yeowsers! Speaking of the GeForce 3, HardOCP had an article about the specs and stuff, but NVidia told them to take it down. Too bad. I doubt I'll be getting one myself anytime soon. *eyes $699 USD pricetag* (That's nearly as much as the new system I'm looking at!)


[8:21 PM EST - Burnt tongue.]

Erk. My tongue still hasn't healed. Eating is still a darned chore, and drinking doesn't soothe the pain. Why does it take so long for my mouth to heal? I think a new mouth is in order. Maybe one that's a little smaller. *notices the audience nodding in approval* Hmm, on second thought..

Oh hey, during dinner, the Chinese news was on the TV and I usually don't pay attention to it, except that today, I heard a very familiar voice coming out of the speakers. OMG! It's PB! I was pretty shocked, I didn't expect him to be on the news. Well, I guess considering the stuff he's doing..


[10:10 PM EST - Hugs 'n.. more hugs.]

From the ShackNews's ER comes a link to a story about a school having a little problem with hugs. Well, 40-60 a day is a little excessive, but being penalized for it? I sure wouldn't mind getting hugged 40-60 times by.. uh.. *checks article* 13yo? Okay, maybe a little young. Hey, they're only hugs.

Oh hey, I just checked out the DooM demo (at Gamespot). For in-game graphics, it's quite impressive. Insanely impressive actually. If they can pull that off in a game (as well as have a good story, gameplay, etc.) I'd be higly impressed. (id has always impressed graphically and speedwise, but gameplay..)

[1 Comment]

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:25:08 EDT

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