I figured I should put something up. I haven't been throwing up mentions of updates for people's pages for a while, but that doesn't mean that I'm not reading them. Laz has thrown in some l33t speak if you want some practice, while Jax has been meeting a lot of people. NVM went to Vancouver.
Is it the start of the week already? *groan* I say that weekends should be longer. Yeah! Anyway, I expect this week will be busy, workwise but hopefully things will pan out. Yes? Yes? Yes.
Back to work.
Oh crap! I thought I had thrown up an update already (I actually said that I had thought I had thrown an update already in the update I thought I had already put up!). Apparently, it never got past the preview stage and I lost the entry.
Oh well, nothing too exciting happened anyway. I just got back from badminton and I spent the day clobbering bugs. Yup, I'm doing some hard coding now. Whee!
Ack, tired. Must collapse..
KGL sent me a link to the MSN Market Challange. You can win $5000 or something like that.